MFCGMFC Feb 27, 2007 #1 is it safe 2 buy online and use online banking using a modem that has been hacked using the tutorials on this syt cheers
is it safe 2 buy online and use online banking using a modem that has been hacked using the tutorials on this syt cheers
N nozzer VIP Member VIP Member Feb 27, 2007 #2 well, must admit I wouldn't do it ! Hacked modems are fine for browsing and downloading stuff but I certainly wouldn't want to leave tracks straight back to my bank account.
well, must admit I wouldn't do it ! Hacked modems are fine for browsing and downloading stuff but I certainly wouldn't want to leave tracks straight back to my bank account.
loady Feb 27, 2007 #3 There is no difference whatsoever between banking online using a hacked or unhacked modem. whehter you trust site that you bank with or buy online with is entirely up to you.
There is no difference whatsoever between banking online using a hacked or unhacked modem. whehter you trust site that you bank with or buy online with is entirely up to you.