250 modem

struggling folks.. followed the tut exactly. when power up modem it says hit P. i get no response.. com port says connected... can someone confirm connections?? got a max from TMC ...
struggling folks.. followed the tut exactly. when power up modem it says hit P. i get no response.. com port says connected... can someone confirm connections?? got a max from TMC ...
check ur connections make sure ther correct and making good contact on the pins of the modem and also check ur com port settings make sure ther correct
checked all the connections, can some one put a picture up on how the connection fits.. the modem is actualy a 255 but i beleive they're the same as the 250...the connection cable is 4 wires black,red,blue,yellow....
checked all the connections, can some one put a picture up on how the connection fits.. the modem is actualy a 255 but i beleive they're the same as the 250...the connection cable is 4 wires black,red,blue,yellow....

from back of 255 moden imagine pins are numbered 12345

1 black
2 green
3 red
4 yellow

5 leave blank

hope that helps

pm me your email address and i will send over pic
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ive got different colours than that mate... does this look right?????

your wires are different order than mine... but when i did my modem i had the black on the reverse of yours...

try black nearest the top of the modem. (end where the cable feed is plugged in) and left the bottom one free (where your black is plugged in on your picture)

Mine are

On max 232 left to right


which convert to pther end left to right.

i wish mate... now i get this..

TFTP Get Selected

Board TFTP Server IP Address []:
Enter TFTP filename [250hack_dump_telnet.bin]:

Free store: a0500000
Starting TFTP of 250hack_dump_telnet.bin from
Getting 250hack_dump_telnet.bin using octet mode
Tftp timeout...
Tftp timeout...
Tftp timeout...
Tftp timeout...
Tftp timeout...
Tftp timeout...
Retry limit exceeded on block 1....Aborting session
Store parameters to flash ? [n]
Set your IP address to
Set your GateWay to
Start tftpd32.exe

Connect your network cable and MAX232 to the NTL250, start hyperterminal (115200 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity and no handshaking) and power the modem on without the cable feed attached.

Enter '1', '2', or 'p' within 2 seconds or take default...

Press P

Board IP Address []:
Board IP Mask []:
Board IP Gateway []:
Board MAC Address [00:10:18:ff:ff:ff]:
Internal/External phy? (i/e)

Now you should get the main menu...

Main Menu:
d) Download and save to flash
g) Download and run from RAM
c) Store icePROM bootloader to flash
b) Boot from flash
e) Erase flash sector
m) Set mode
s) Store bootloader parameters to flash
i) Re-init ethernet
r) Read memory
w) Write memory

Choose option D

Board TFTP Server IP Address []:
Enter TFTP filename []: what ever you flie is it should flash ....
dont think i need to say anymore ..think you no the rest.....
i wish mate... now i get this..

TFTP Get Selected

Board TFTP Server IP Address []:
Enter TFTP filename [250hack_dump_telnet.bin]:

Free store: a0500000
Starting TFTP of 250hack_dump_telnet.bin from
Getting 250hack_dump_telnet.bin using octet mode
Tftp timeout...
Tftp timeout...
Tftp timeout...
Tftp timeout...
Tftp timeout...
Tftp timeout...
Retry limit exceeded on block 1....Aborting session
Store parameters to flash ? [n]

as jay210 says m8. it looks like you have not set up your network setting right.
i wish mate... now i get this..

TFTP Get Selected

Board TFTP Server IP Address []:
Enter TFTP filename [250hack_dump_telnet.bin]:

Free store: a0500000
Starting TFTP of 250hack_dump_telnet.bin from
Getting 250hack_dump_telnet.bin using octet mode
Tftp timeout...
Tftp timeout...
Tftp timeout...
Tftp timeout...
Tftp timeout...
Tftp timeout...
Retry limit exceeded on block 1....Aborting session
Store parameters to flash ? [n]

set a static ip off
IP address
default gateway
and try starting your tftp server app before you open hyperterminal and dont forget to point your tftp server to your 250 hack file,you can do this by pressing settings in your tftp app.
it looks like its not finding the file
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cheers folks i'll give that a go.. the only thing i did different was my cable feed was connected as it says so in the tut ive got... do i need the cable feed connected??? or not????
Check out the thread max232 and NTl Connections, Gentlex was kind enough to post a pic os the wires coonnections
cheers folks i'll give that a go.. the only thing i did different was my cable feed was connected as it says so in the tut ive got... do i need the cable feed connected??? or not????

you dont need the cable feed connected...only when all is flashed connect the cable feed ...remember to set your ip back to obtain an IP address automatically when adding the 10mb config file..
got it to flash (i think) put ip to dynamic.. open hyperterminal connect to telnet no prob. enter login.. no problem
enter password.. wont let me type anything at all tried it a few times all goes threw till password. the curser is there but cant put anything in. if i hit enter it says invalid login..
got it to flash (i think) put ip to dynamic.. open hyperterminal connect to telnet no prob. enter login.. no problem
enter password.. wont let me type anything at all tried it a few times all goes threw till password. the curser is there but cant put anything in. if i hit enter it says invalid login..
u dont see the password when ur entering but it ther just type correctly and press enter and it should be alright
cheers folks, i'm struggling with this, think the weekend drinking session has killed some brain cells.. got threw that now.. firstly how do you stop it scanning ???? and whats my ds frequency??? sorry if these questions sound stupid