Rns510 vw


I have spoken
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Oct 6, 2005
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nr.Cov.... pure n*l
I have just repaired one of these units and its' asking for the pin code to be entered. The owner wasn't even aware that it has a code so little chance of getting it from him.
There is a site called vwcodes.org which claims to have access to the database and can provide the code from the units' serial number.
Seems legit but am a bit unsure so wondered if anyone on here had used them or heard good things about them.

@ $22.50 it's not too expensive. Would cost £40 plus p+p to send it away to be decoded.
if its going back into the car it came from it wont need a code
if its asking for a code on test system then testing it in the car it shouldn't ask for code
Thanks for that. Leaves me with a slight problem though in that I can't really fully test my repair.
The owner lives 70 miles from me, done the job through his relative who lives in my town.

Should be ok though.
if the car owner goes to vw he can get the code with providing the documents for car
most vw dealers will not charge
I spoke with the owner a short while ago, turns out it's a she and not a he.
It came to me dead but a spot of solder on the power board restored it back to life. However, before the power problem she said that the cd and radio functions weren't working on the touchscreen. She also reported that prior to this she had switched it on and the unit had reset itself to German and that is when she lost those functions.

Sounds like a software problem that I now need to look into. I have been given the go ahead to order the code.
I have read that a lot of the vw dealers will only do it if you book the car in so they can make a charge.
most vw head units are the same linked to car and only request code once installed in another car
I have just upgraded the firmware and unit is working normally.
Thanks for your time turner brown
Where did you get the latest firmware? I have the same unit but haven't updated firmware since I got it around 2 years ago!
You can get firmware for these units of ebay

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Where did you get the latest firmware? I have the same unit but haven't updated firmware since I got it around 2 years ago!
I used firmware called "RNS510-5238A-josi-VIM-Testmode". Probably not the latest but was newer than the one installed and did the trick. Was also a safe option as this version can apparently be used on any RNS510 model.
Also includes a couple of tweaks with the ability to play dvds' when doing more than 5mph.

Edit: Just googled this firmware name and the first hit is the page I used and includes links to the software.
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Just an update to this thread. The software corrupted again a fortnight ago.
Rather than have her get the unit to me I emailed her a "fix" to burn onto a disc. She rang back and was over the moon as it did the trick. She called me again last night, car had been broken into and the unit was stolen. :bangshead: