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[E2 PLUGIN DOWNLOAD] Xstreamity V2.98 Xstreamity V2.98

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Xstreamity V2.98

KiddaC wrote

Only minor tweaks this release.

Fixed python 3.9.5 hide categories crash
Added in a few more default values for infobar (someone reported issues with that - never seen it myself)
If stream extension set to m3u8, and stream type set to 1, I override this and change it to 4097 on playing stream. 1 doesn't work with m3u8 extension.
LCDs/Front panels might be fixed for when the stream is playing.
If daily short epg is shown and OK button is pressed to watch stream, short epg should now close before opening stream. (Prevents a double screen show on return)
If streamtype set to 1 on live, and it keeps repeatly failing, then the stream tries switching to 4097 automatically so see if this plays better.(experimental)
There maybe dragons...
And just to add, XUI-one quick epg panels (enigma2.php) are still broke. They broke it.. not me. So if you got no quick epg, your only option for now is to use the full epg via epg importer.
Thanks KiddaC