Originally uploaded by @Napster
Windows 8 permanent activator for all versions ***fixed and working***
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Windows 8 permanent activator for all versions ***fixed and working***
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Presented by DXWHEELS
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General Information
Type.................: software
Platform.............: Windows
Post Information
Posted by............: DXWHEELS
Release Notes
This is a permanent Windows 8 activator and it is alleged to work on all
versions of Windows 8, however I have only tested it on "Windows 8 Enterprise"
x86. This activator unlocks all personalization features, including but not
limited to: desktop background, lock screen background, and account picture.
This activator requires very little work from the user. Just right-click the
EXE and run as administrator the activator will do the rest in a command prompt
window. Please note that you will be required to restart your computer when the
processes is complete. Also note that this activator is said to be able to
withstand Windows updates, but once again I have not ran any updates at this
point so I can neither confirm or deny the reliability of this feature.
I hope this is a tool that proves useful for all the users in the NZB
Royalty community
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