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VU+ Uno Ferrari V3 OpenPLi 4.0 IPTV 1200 Channels 2017-06-25

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OpenPLi 4.0 by MastaG with IPTV (1200+ FREE IPTV Channels) for Ferrari V3 VU+ Uno

Users running the previous image can update online and will gain the latest Gstreamer 1.7.90 Pre-Release
Changes since last release:
- gstreamer upgraded to 1.7.90 (nearing the final 1.8 release)
- ffmpeg updated to 3.0
- gstreamer1.0-libav is now build against ffmpeg (thx to Taapat).
- a patch from mx3L for servicemp3 that should speed up IPTV zapping
- a second patch from mv3L for servicemp3 that should fix a possible GSOD when switching audio tracks
- a third patch from mx3L for the dvbmediasink that should fix a possible GSOD on seeking in mp4 streams
- support for bluray isos by Taapat
- remote controls should now have their media-button working
- added X Solo Mini 3 build
- New vermagic magics, you should be able to load any kernelmodule again.
- patch by christophecvr for setting the debug level in Menu -> Settings -> User-interface settings
Note :
The patch for setting the debug level is very important since it fixes many possible IPTV issues on slower receivers like the DM800.
Its highly recommended to set it level 0 :)

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