fraggle121 virtualzap Skiined Franken*** style
heres virtualzap I have skinned it alive to look like franken***.....
it has large picons showing and large pip picture ...
I did not create this cool plugin I just reskinned it..the creators names are in the .py files...
its been tested on solo2 with open atv 4.0
and tested duo2 with open pli 4.0
to install it put the virtualzap folder in
and put the picons on your hdd or usb then change usage to with long ok press reboot
when rebooted goto your plugins and select virtualzap then select the virtualzap xpicons ...
then reboot and it should be all good....
Thread Discussion
heres virtualzap I have skinned it alive to look like franken***.....
it has large picons showing and large pip picture ...
I did not create this cool plugin I just reskinned it..the creators names are in the .py files...
its been tested on solo2 with open atv 4.0
and tested duo2 with open pli 4.0
to install it put the virtualzap folder in
and put the picons on your hdd or usb then change usage to with long ok press reboot
when rebooted goto your plugins and select virtualzap then select the virtualzap xpicons ...
then reboot and it should be all good....
Thread Discussion