hi all here is the virgin media hd skin .
modified and re designed by Chababu & Fraggle121
this is for pli images only...
it is about 98% complete and is fully usable...
we would like your feed back what u think needs to be done.
to install it
put the Virgin Media Hd folder into /usr/share/enigma2/ folder on your box
if u have a alien box the Virgin Media Hd folder goes into usr/local/share/enigma2
the convertors and renderers
go into usr/lib/enigma2/python
just be carefull if you already have the files there delete them first then transfere both the py and pyo file just to be safe.
if u don't delete them first and just overright them the skin will not work correctly
always back up your box before starting this incase anything goes wrong..
when all above is done then select the virgin skin in your menu and reboot .....
Click this Link to Download File:
Thread Discussion
modified and re designed by Chababu & Fraggle121
this is for pli images only...
it is about 98% complete and is fully usable...
we would like your feed back what u think needs to be done.
to install it
put the Virgin Media Hd folder into /usr/share/enigma2/ folder on your box
if u have a alien box the Virgin Media Hd folder goes into usr/local/share/enigma2
the convertors and renderers
go into usr/lib/enigma2/python
just be carefull if you already have the files there delete them first then transfere both the py and pyo file just to be safe.
if u don't delete them first and just overright them the skin will not work correctly
always back up your box before starting this incase anything goes wrong..
when all above is done then select the virgin skin in your menu and reboot .....
Click this Link to Download File:
Thread Discussion