This is a package to backup images. Works on DM800/DM800se. Irrespective of what tuner you have.
Click this Link to Download File:
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This is an adaptation of GJstrooms work. Any credit should be directed to him.
If your storage device is mounted as /media/hdd/
1. Extract package and transfer it to your receiver. Folder layout will be:
2. chmod 755 the folder and contents
Telnet the following commands one line at a time. Easier to copy and paste rather than type.
init 4
cd /media/hdd/backup/sim-backup
init 3
4. If file name does not match image, i.e openatv showing up as openpli, just rename it.
If your storage device is mounted as /media/usb/
1. Extract package and transfer it to your receiver. Folder layout will be:
2. chmod 755 the folder and contents
Telnet the following commands one line at a time. Easier to copy and paste rather than type.
init 4
cd /media/usb/backup/sim-backup
init 3
4. If file name does not match image, i.e openatv showing up as openpli, just rename it.
Click this Link to Download File:
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