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PS3 Tools 2017-06-25

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PS3 Cheats Editor
Edits the cheats database for ps3usercheat (st.dat). Allows export/import cheats to the database in text format.

New in 2.0
- New layout for cheats list

PKG ContentID
It's a tool for view quickly the ContentID of a PKG.
It can be used to verify its Title_ID, compare against RAP/edat files, etc.

PKG files are auto-associated to PKG_ContentID.exe

If a copy of PkgView 1.2 ( exists in the same folder of PKG_ContentID.exe :
>> The program will pass the PKG to PkgView.exe when you double click or press ENTER on a PKG.

Pressing Shift+ENTER on a PKG file, will extract the content of the PKG on the same folder of the PKG.
Pressing Ctrl+ENTER on a PKG file, will show the ContentID of the PKG and allow open it with PkgView.

- Repack uses the original PKG Klicensee.
- PKG Klicensee is now displayed using Ctrl+Enter on a PKG.
- Adds support to unself 'debug' version of EBOOT/SELF/SPRX.

- Adds support to scetool 0.2.9.

- Adds support to view edat, rap, pkg (via PkgView), pup (via PupView), pkg content id, self/bin/sprx (via scetool)
- Resign any self/sprx/eboot.bin just pressing Ctrl+Enter on the file on Windows Explorer.
- Pressing Shift+Ctrl+Enter on the self/sprx/eboot.bin will convert the selected file to fself (for DEX).

- Right click on a folder (with PARAM.SFO) to make a PKG.
- Press Ctrl+Shift+ENTER on a retail patch PKG file to extract its content and repack the PKG in debug mode.
- Can view the ContentID of edat files.
- Convert .p3t.edat files to theme PKG, if a copy of the patched make_package_npdrm.exe exists in the same folder the program.
- Drag & drop a folder, PKG or edat on the program's window, to create a PKG or show the content ID.

mmTM_GUI 1.4.0
It's a tool to pack, unpack and verify multiMAN's theme files (THM).

New in 1.4.0:
- Preview of theme files

PARAM.SFO editor
It's a tool to edit PARAM.SFO files and PARAM.SFX files created by Create PS3_EXTRA.

+The PARAM.SFO editor supports SFO and SFX files.
+Convert SFO to SFX and viceversa.
+Support for SAVE DATA param.sfo, PS3 GAME param.sfo, PSP param.sfo, and other categories.
+SFO and SFX are automatically associated to the editor.
+Supports drag and drop and command line parameters (use /? for details on parameters).
+Displays the ICON0.PNG/ICON2.PNG found in the SFO/SFX folder.
+Add new fields to param.sfo
+Account ID button (to make compatible certain saves that don't check the PARAM.PFD)
+New fields in the GUI that allow to edit some ATTRIBUTE values (like add support for Background Music, disable Move Controller warnings, PSP Vita Remote Play, etc.)

Thanks to for all the information provided and HELLCAT for his PS3SFOEdit.exe.

A simple GUI to extract and create PSARC archives.

PS3 Game Integrity 1.2
This tool calculates the MD5, SHA-1 or CRC32 for a file or folder (and sub-directories) and generate a content.md5 file for future verification. If the content.md5 is present in the folder, the program reports if any file was deleted, added or changed. This tool is very useful to check if your game has corrupted files due due bad sectors, virus or cross-links (which are very common when an USB device is removed from the PS3 while it is turned on).

New in 1.1: CRC32 hash support, find in log, size is now optional. Version 1.2 fixes hash for files larger than 4GB.

Note: Several MD5 for known Playstation 3 files is included (PUPs for OFW, CFW, DEX and PSP files)

PS3 File Splitter 1.3
Splits files larger than 4GB to fit in USB drives formatted with FAT32. It also join splitted files. Splits files can be any specified size.
Note: GiB = 2^30, GB=10^9, MiB=2^20, MB=10^6, KiB=2^10, KB=10^3

New in 1.1: Support for more file extensions (eg. part# = part1 .. part9, part0 = part0 .. part9). Version 1.2 fixes join of files.

PS3RIP 1.2.1
It's a tool that should help you gain some space on your external HDD, removing unnecessary files.
It actually moves the files to a RIPPED folder in the root of the disk and replace the file with a 0 byte file.

VERY IMPORTANT: You should verify your game (play it!) before delete any file permanently!!

+The PS3RIP includes the patterns for ripping almost all languages, except English!!

Initial release excluded English & Spanish. This release excludes English only, but allows to exclude other languages.

IMPORTANT: Review the patterns and comment or remove the lines for the languages that you want to keep.

(for ripping files stored in your PS3 use my PS3 FTP Client tool)

PS3_DISC.SFB edit 1.1
It's a quick way to edit the title id of PS3_DISC.SFB.

Create PS3_EXTRA 1.1
This tool scans for the PKG, MP4 and P3T files copied to each game folder, its PS3_UPDATE folder, PKGDIR or PS3_CONTENT,
and store them under a PS3_EXTRA structure.

When a game is mounted with multiMAN, there will be 2 BD icons on the XMB:
one disc for the game itself and another with PKGs, MP4 and P3T.

It should make it easier to install the game patches, DLC, fixes, and related videos,
due they will be listed in a neat menu like the one used by "PStore news" (big squares of 486x405 pixels).

How to use:
1) First put the pkg's at the root of your game folder (eg: BLES00000).
2) Run Create_PS3_EXTRA.exe
3) Click the browse button in the top right corner [...]
4) Select the "GAMES" folder that contains the games with the pkg's eg: x:\GAMEZ and then click the OK button
5) Now tick or untick the folders you want or don't want the app to process
6) Click the Start button
7) Close the program
8) Open the folder eg: BLES00000 folder
9) Now your folder should contain a folder called PS3_EXTRA
10) All the pkg's should have automatically been renamed and moved to the PS3_EXTRA folder
11) Launch the game using multiMAN
12) On the xmb menu you should now see 2 disc icon's. The top disc icon is the actual game, The bottom disc icon is the dlc/update pkg's.
13) Click on the bottom disc icon to see and install the dlc/updates

Changes in 1.1:
+Create_PS3_EXTRA now can find PKG files in PS3_CONTENT and PKGDIR folders, and move them to the PS3_EXTRA folder.
+The PS3_CONTENT and PKGDIR folders are renamed to avoid conflicts with the PS3_EXTRA structure.
!Fixed package "size" issue for PKG files >4GB
!Due a typo in the code it was not moving the P3T files to PS3_EXTRA. Fixed.

renam 1.0
This tool, if copied to the GAMES or GAMEZ folder, will rename the games sub-folders
from the default "BLUS0000-[Title]" format to "Title [BLUS0000]".

This name format should make it easier to find the games using Explorer.

Just copy the renam.exe to the x:\GAMES (or x:\GAMEZ) folder and rut it.

(Do not expect any GUI. It will rename the folders and exit)

All these tools are Win32 and require the VB5 runtime DLL.
XP users should have this already installed (if not, download & install the DLL).

Download the VB5 Runtime Modules from:
First release
Last update


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