OpenSpa 3.0 Vu+ Duo
Support for Opticum AX- ODIN ( ODINM7 )
- Support for E3HD
- Support for MKDigital XP1000
- New Multi-Boot (Except Azbox )
- New Skin Basic
- New selector of install plugins
- New Video Mode
- New Audio Selection
- VFDMOD added for the Duo2 display.
- Audio Effect Plugin for Vuplus added
- User Interface Positioner (OSD ) is added
- Autoinstallierbare Inadyn added
- EPG MHW2 Lesefuntktion revised. Now you can download 7 days back
- . Subtitles srt have been corrected.
- The GS Input Device Setup has been corrected
- " Fuse" series was added
- The transtreamproxy to allow in duo2 and Solo2 to transcoding has been updated.
- Delete the Cronmanager from the plugin list ( autoinstallierbar in E2) .
- LCD4Linux 3.9 -r2
" Update Software" to disable access -
- The name " film " Change " recordings"
- Icon in the channel list for codified television programs added ( must be enabled in the options )
- In the Channel Selection OpenSPA the options you have to configure the number of days EPG to be displayed again the possibility . By default, displays only one days to improve the fluidity
- The CCcamInfo and OscamInfo are from the Plugins menu, visible when this softcams were automatically detected by the system
- The Crashlogs be generated in / home / root / logs ( when the next version you will have the possibility of one's own path to be defined )
- And many other minor bugs have been corrected
OpenSpa Menú :
skirts is horizontal menu you have access to all functions of the box or receiver
TVWeb :
Spanish TV channels a la carte
Panel info:
Detailed information of STB receiver display. (Network, disk space , tuner , softcams , etc )
automatic download of EPG for 7 days MHW2
Panel de Descargas :
direkterdownload of plugins, skins , picons , Camden , etc.
Explorador de archivos :
Files can be copied and moved within the STB. You can also install IPK 's files and more.
Gestor USBs TDT :
for automatic installation of a USB device to receive the terrestrial signal .
Camd Manager:
Management of softcams
OpenSpa Meteo :
in the skin of integrated plugin Meteo Info
Media Center + IMDB:
Playback of videos, music and pictures. Viewing IMDB images are possible.
Switch from installed :
you can select which E2 standard plugin can be subsequently selected to be re-install it . For Azbox HD have the little store is a good option ..
Virtual keyboard
Backups or backups
- Crond Manager
- Swap Manager
- Remapper key
- ZAP course
- IP add programs
- Flash Online
- And much more ....
Morser: git, enigma2 und plugins
Darkmantk: git, kernel und enigma2
Mpiero: plugins OpenSpa
Pe.tardo: idiomas
Sergiri, Jpbravo y Evox: Plugins Serverwartung, OpenSpa y testing
Fundi, Yersi, Na ***, Oscar_fl, Abdelsat, Mecca, Ardilla und alle Testers die Bugs und Fehler uns gemeldet haben.
Thread Discussion

Support for Opticum AX- ODIN ( ODINM7 )
- Support for E3HD
- Support for MKDigital XP1000
- New Multi-Boot (Except Azbox )
- New Skin Basic
- New selector of install plugins
- New Video Mode
- New Audio Selection
- VFDMOD added for the Duo2 display.
- Audio Effect Plugin for Vuplus added
- User Interface Positioner (OSD ) is added
- Autoinstallierbare Inadyn added
- EPG MHW2 Lesefuntktion revised. Now you can download 7 days back
- . Subtitles srt have been corrected.
- The GS Input Device Setup has been corrected
- " Fuse" series was added
- The transtreamproxy to allow in duo2 and Solo2 to transcoding has been updated.
- Delete the Cronmanager from the plugin list ( autoinstallierbar in E2) .
- LCD4Linux 3.9 -r2
" Update Software" to disable access -
- The name " film " Change " recordings"
- Icon in the channel list for codified television programs added ( must be enabled in the options )
- In the Channel Selection OpenSPA the options you have to configure the number of days EPG to be displayed again the possibility . By default, displays only one days to improve the fluidity
- The CCcamInfo and OscamInfo are from the Plugins menu, visible when this softcams were automatically detected by the system
- The Crashlogs be generated in / home / root / logs ( when the next version you will have the possibility of one's own path to be defined )
- And many other minor bugs have been corrected
OpenSpa Menú :
skirts is horizontal menu you have access to all functions of the box or receiver
TVWeb :
Spanish TV channels a la carte
Panel info:
Detailed information of STB receiver display. (Network, disk space , tuner , softcams , etc )
automatic download of EPG for 7 days MHW2
Panel de Descargas :
direkterdownload of plugins, skins , picons , Camden , etc.
Explorador de archivos :
Files can be copied and moved within the STB. You can also install IPK 's files and more.
Gestor USBs TDT :
for automatic installation of a USB device to receive the terrestrial signal .
Camd Manager:
Management of softcams
OpenSpa Meteo :
in the skin of integrated plugin Meteo Info
Media Center + IMDB:
Playback of videos, music and pictures. Viewing IMDB images are possible.
Switch from installed :
you can select which E2 standard plugin can be subsequently selected to be re-install it . For Azbox HD have the little store is a good option ..
Virtual keyboard
Backups or backups
- Crond Manager
- Swap Manager
- Remapper key
- ZAP course
- IP add programs
- Flash Online
- And much more ....
Morser: git, enigma2 und plugins
Darkmantk: git, kernel und enigma2
Mpiero: plugins OpenSpa
Pe.tardo: idiomas
Sergiri, Jpbravo y Evox: Plugins Serverwartung, OpenSpa y testing
Fundi, Yersi, Na ***, Oscar_fl, Abdelsat, Mecca, Ardilla und alle Testers die Bugs und Fehler uns gemeldet haben.
Thread Discussion