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[E2 PLUGIN DOWNLOAD] Netflix Dream Netflix Dream E2 Plugin

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Netflix Dream

This plugin enables you to use Netflix on a Dreambox One.
No other VOD plugin needs to be installed for this.
The actual VOD plugin is already included in this plugin, so the access data is also entered in Netflix Dream.
In advance, you can also install and continue to use the actual VOD plugin and the GP4 GUI-Netflix plugin.
Netflix Dream also uses its own Netflix cookie, so all plugins can run in parallel.


You can reach the menu with Exit, Menu and left arrow key.



You reach the genres if you use the up arrow on the start screen.




In the episode screen you can stay in the episode list and at the end of a season you will automatically be added to the new season.


When searching, you only have to enter a letter or number, then the search starts automatically.
You can adjust the search text at any time, even when the Netflix spinner is running.
The input is checked every 4 seconds, if you have changed the input, a search is started again.

As a dependency, enigma2-plugin-widevineprocessor and lib32-dreamwidevine are used.
Those who now use GP4, NN2 or the MediaPortal already have these dependencies on the box.
I myself use the Dreambox Experimental Image, here these dependencies are missing, here you have to install the two packages first, then you can only install Netflix Dream.

Packages enigma2-plugin-extensions-netflixdream_x.x.x.deb onto the box after / tmp FTP
Enter the following in Telnet or SSH:

apt-get update
dpkg -i /tmp/*.deb
apt-get -f install

If you enter incorrect login data when you first log in, it can happen that you get a login block from Netlfix.
For this I ask you to check and adjust your access data.
Now you have to wait 3 hours until this lock is lifted again.
But if the registration worked and you have to choose a profile, then that fits.
Maybe you can not play a stream yet, you have to restart Gui to do this, then it works too.

This plugin is still very young, so there may still be a few imperfections
Also this plugin will only be available for Dreambox, hence the dream in the plugin Png and the plugin name Netflix Dream.

Thanks murxer​