Softcam tested on: *Phantompatch-TM7102HDT2_09-07-2014 (142p)
Latest 02/08/14 Softcam (Updated 02/08/14)
Digiturk (7E)
Mezzo (13E)
TV Globo (13E)
ORF Digital (19.2E)
Austriasat (19.2E)
(39E) Key06: 02/08/2014 - thx MASARE Team
(includes Service Key02 from 11/04/2010 & Probable Next Key04 from 11/07/2010)
SIC International (16E)
SkyLink/CSLink (23.5E)
SSR/SRG Swiss (13E)
TNT Sat (19.2E) - only SD atm (A few channels still require CCCam connection to PC Emulator Fausto, vplug, NWemu.... )
ViasatSoftN/D/S (4.8E)
Ant-1 Europe (9E)
UPC Direct (0.8/1W) the few channels that still work with EMUs
*Some run from patch, TNT Sat, SSR/SRG Swiss.......
Thanks empb
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Thread Discussion
Latest 02/08/14 Softcam (Updated 02/08/14)
Digiturk (7E)
Mezzo (13E)
TV Globo (13E)
ORF Digital (19.2E)
Austriasat (19.2E)
(39E) Key06: 02/08/2014 - thx MASARE Team
(includes Service Key02 from 11/04/2010 & Probable Next Key04 from 11/07/2010)
SIC International (16E)
SkyLink/CSLink (23.5E)
SSR/SRG Swiss (13E)
TNT Sat (19.2E) - only SD atm (A few channels still require CCCam connection to PC Emulator Fausto, vplug, NWemu.... )
ViasatSoftN/D/S (4.8E)
Ant-1 Europe (9E)
UPC Direct (0.8/1W) the few channels that still work with EMUs
*Some run from patch, TNT Sat, SSR/SRG Swiss.......
Thanks empb
Click this Link to Download File:
Thread Discussion