UK Channels ->Sport & Movies
good quality
*for testing purposes
***Please make sure you have enough space for the channels on your list as the total can not exceed 400, so remove unwanted channels first if you have less than 17 empty channels. You can use the 'del one' option (green button while on the delete screen to remove selected channels). If you do not make space for all the channels only a first few will be loaded (up to the 400) The other option is to load the file first and then pressing the blue button for an online update, in which case all the 17 channels will be there at the beginning of the channels list and the channels from the online server will follow (whith the exception of the few last channels from the online server, once again the total number will be 400 as that is the limit.
Thanks to Roadrunner
Click this Link to Download File:
Thread Discussion
good quality
*for testing purposes
***Please make sure you have enough space for the channels on your list as the total can not exceed 400, so remove unwanted channels first if you have less than 17 empty channels. You can use the 'del one' option (green button while on the delete screen to remove selected channels). If you do not make space for all the channels only a first few will be loaded (up to the 400) The other option is to load the file first and then pressing the blue button for an online update, in which case all the 17 channels will be there at the beginning of the channels list and the channels from the online server will follow (whith the exception of the few last channels from the online server, once again the total number will be 400 as that is the limit.
Thanks to Roadrunner
Click this Link to Download File:
Thread Discussion