Gemini3.2 v0.75
We recommend a current image of the DMM on the basis -2.0 .
Who should use a different image in case of problems please contact the relevant people .
Most of the features are found in the Gemini Wiki .
How do you get the Gemini3 on his box is here .
Function Buttons:
* Blue Gemini plugin - Blue Panel
* The remaining buttons can be freely assigned with our Quick button function
* System password set in BP -> Settings - . > Set password - . Who performs no reinstallation please himself the corresponding entry on BP -> Settings - . > Menu - > Settings - . > Blue Panel -comp - . > Change Password Add .
Fixes and update :
* Internal fixes
* Dutch ( thx @ Bschaar )
* Polish ( thx @ Kosmacz )
* Estonian ( thx @ Faas69 )
Respect for Skinner:
* New screen with the name " VariableList3ButtonSmallIcon "
Attention :
Since the images take up much more space in the flash, it will lead to problems in the small boxes ( > 4MB free flash). For small boxes, the dm500 , dm800 dm800se and are meant. When images are exported to a USB flash drive or SSD , the naturally arises as there is no longer a problem.
For the DM7020HD and dm8000 there is no problem of course .
Ask the new GP3 Wizard v0.16 use the old v0.15 is can not install GP32 .
The download URL is the same as before .
The GP32 is you can not install on the dm7025 , which also is not a image based -2.0 for the box.
* Addon and Plugin Server
* Cryptinfos the transmitter ( GeminiPlugin capable Skin )
* Function for managing many daemons / server (BP -> daemon )
* Optical enhancements like HD - skin, additional icons ( GeminiPlugin capable skins can be recharged via the BP . )
* Manager for format, setup or mount devices (BP- > Device Manager )
* Own apps for example Dreamnetcast, eTorrent , NFS server, just to name a few
* Detailed information about your Dreambox (BP- > Information)
* EPG search ( BP -> Extensions -> EPG search )
* File Manager, which many formats, regardless of whether images , footage , Torrents, scripts or DVDs ( BP -> File Manager )
If the Gemini3 been updated , please always start new Enigma .
Who installed the NFS plugin or GeminiTools / updated , please start the new box .
The update will not be released at -2.0 images installed as Enigma from 1.10.2013 to be.
It is recommended picons to outsource EPG - Cache - Cache and the Gemini on a medium and not to leave it in the flash.
This plugin does not contain any keys or keys .
Backups or other modified Images are not
by us and will not be supported !
Download Installation Wizard can be found HERE
Update from old versions to software management
Thank you and have fun
Your Gemini - Team
Thread Discussion
We recommend a current image of the DMM on the basis -2.0 .
Who should use a different image in case of problems please contact the relevant people .
Most of the features are found in the Gemini Wiki .
How do you get the Gemini3 on his box is here .
Function Buttons:
* Blue Gemini plugin - Blue Panel
* The remaining buttons can be freely assigned with our Quick button function
* System password set in BP -> Settings - . > Set password - . Who performs no reinstallation please himself the corresponding entry on BP -> Settings - . > Menu - > Settings - . > Blue Panel -comp - . > Change Password Add .
Fixes and update :
* Internal fixes
* Dutch ( thx @ Bschaar )
* Polish ( thx @ Kosmacz )
* Estonian ( thx @ Faas69 )
Respect for Skinner:
* New screen with the name " VariableList3ButtonSmallIcon "
Attention :
Since the images take up much more space in the flash, it will lead to problems in the small boxes ( > 4MB free flash). For small boxes, the dm500 , dm800 dm800se and are meant. When images are exported to a USB flash drive or SSD , the naturally arises as there is no longer a problem.
For the DM7020HD and dm8000 there is no problem of course .
Ask the new GP3 Wizard v0.16 use the old v0.15 is can not install GP32 .
The download URL is the same as before .
The GP32 is you can not install on the dm7025 , which also is not a image based -2.0 for the box.
* Addon and Plugin Server
* Cryptinfos the transmitter ( GeminiPlugin capable Skin )
* Function for managing many daemons / server (BP -> daemon )
* Optical enhancements like HD - skin, additional icons ( GeminiPlugin capable skins can be recharged via the BP . )
* Manager for format, setup or mount devices (BP- > Device Manager )
* Own apps for example Dreamnetcast, eTorrent , NFS server, just to name a few
* Detailed information about your Dreambox (BP- > Information)
* EPG search ( BP -> Extensions -> EPG search )
* File Manager, which many formats, regardless of whether images , footage , Torrents, scripts or DVDs ( BP -> File Manager )
If the Gemini3 been updated , please always start new Enigma .
Who installed the NFS plugin or GeminiTools / updated , please start the new box .
The update will not be released at -2.0 images installed as Enigma from 1.10.2013 to be.
It is recommended picons to outsource EPG - Cache - Cache and the Gemini on a medium and not to leave it in the flash.
This plugin does not contain any keys or keys .
Backups or other modified Images are not
by us and will not be supported !
Download Installation Wizard can be found HERE
Update from old versions to software management
Thank you and have fun
Your Gemini - Team
Thread Discussion