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[E2 PLUGIN DOWNLOAD] e2m3u2bouquet 1.0.41 (Mod Dorik1972) e2m3u2bouquet 1.0.45

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e2m3u2bouquet 1.0.41 (Mod Dorik1972)

Changes have been made to the skinpatcher to support the latest versions of OpenVision and images from FoxBob in which, in, there is no applySingleAttribute method

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  1. e2m3u2bouquet 1.0.45

    e2m3u2bouquet 1.0.45 from the author: --""Fixed a bunch of different little things, mostly...
  2. e2m3u2bouquet 1.0.44 (Mod Dorik1972)

    e2m3u2bouquet 1.0.44 (Mod Dorik1972) -Fixed an error that occurred when choosing to sort...