Sim2 released new boot loader for dm800se!
ssl84d contains a fix for OpenPli 3.0/4.0 images so no kernel modification is needed in order to make the drivers working in OpenPli.
The rest stays the same for dmm based images, TPM removal still needed!
The new boot-loader used only with original dreammultimedia drivers 01102013.
Attached nfi and bin format for the loader.
Thanks fly out to the Sim2-Team for their continuous support for all sim products !
Click this Link to Download File:
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ssl84d contains a fix for OpenPli 3.0/4.0 images so no kernel modification is needed in order to make the drivers working in OpenPli.
The rest stays the same for dmm based images, TPM removal still needed!
The new boot-loader used only with original dreammultimedia drivers 01102013.
Attached nfi and bin format for the loader.
Thanks fly out to the Sim2-Team for their continuous support for all sim products !
Click this Link to Download File:
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