dFlash 12.0.13
Then, the file system is broken.
Very strange, pobiers again, but if it happens again then you would have to repeat my init 4 and enigma2 and the whole output postenm so I can see what has happened before.
Then something must be wrong of Partitioned and formatted when the then is the result of the code.
Can it be that you were on the stick on it or he was hooked when it was formatted?
Because reformat a gemounten filesystems can affect so ... I'll stop a few times to make umounts to make sure that it can not be. autofs and udev and GP3 are as always beautiful candidates for such problems.
EDIT: I have been on the first page of a 12.0.13 made where safety-half ago still is unmounted, please try if this helps somewhat.
Thread Discussion
Then, the file system is broken.
Very strange, pobiers again, but if it happens again then you would have to repeat my init 4 and enigma2 and the whole output postenm so I can see what has happened before.
Then something must be wrong of Partitioned and formatted when the then is the result of the code.
Can it be that you were on the stick on it or he was hooked when it was formatted?
Because reformat a gemounten filesystems can affect so ... I'll stop a few times to make umounts to make sure that it can not be. autofs and udev and GP3 are as always beautiful candidates for such problems.
EDIT: I have been on the first page of a 12.0.13 made where safety-half ago still is unmounted, please try if this helps somewhat.
Thread Discussion