Well, it's a few days past the first birthday of Commando 14.7 (which was releaed on 27 January 2013) and shedloads of evolving dev has been added to this image over the past 12 months. But now it's time for a fresh start, a clean slate, and a brand new release- Commando 15.0
Lraizer's new AutoBouquets N1 in here will have you totally gob-smacked! And there's more, as you can read in the attached...
Thread Discussion
EDIT 15/02/2014
14/02/ 2014 updated image attached to existing one
Lraizer's new AutoBouquets N1 in here will have you totally gob-smacked! And there's more, as you can read in the attached...

Thread Discussion
EDIT 15/02/2014
14/02/ 2014 updated image attached to existing one