30/11/13 - Version 2.0.2
1 - Fixed bug with Internet Download "Changed Settings Prompt".
2 - Fixed bug with a Favourite Import where the downloaded channel name was not picked up if it was longer than 23 characters.
3 - Fixed bug with a Favourite Import crash due to the character ', channels that contain ' will be missed on the import.
NOTE: You will have to re-add them to your favs and re-save a favourite XML file. (eg. on 28e, BBC Parliment has a ********* ID of BBC PARL'MNT which causes a failure)
4 - Fixed bug where the Favourite Numbers would not update correctly when Deleting Channels.
5 - Fixed bug in the Search Channels where the invalid character ' causes a crash.
6 - Added extra logging for the Favourite Import.
7 - Fixed bug with saving the Log.
8 - Fixed bug with Opening a SSU file and Importing Favourites.
################################# ##
How to Install/Upgrade
################################# ##
Install: Extract the files and run 6000 Channel Editor.exe
Upgrade: Overwrite the old 6000 Channel Editor.exe with the new one.
If you get this error:
################################# ################################# ################################# ##
#.NET Framework Initialization Error #
# #
#To run this application, you must first install one of the following version of the .NET Framework.#
################################# ################################# ################################# ##
Download and install this file from Microsoft.
################################# ##
################################# ##
1 - Please use Windows Media Player to view the Quick Start Guide.wmv file
2 - This version has been tested with the latest Patch(HD6000_11_26.ssu).
3 - If you use the "Internet Download" you must Re-Enable your Satellites, input your Motor Settings and De-Select Satellite Number 53, 58 & 60 as the program uses the Factory Default settings whilst creating the SSU file(This is a known problem and we are working to solve it).
Thanks to superstarmac
30/11/13 - Version 2.0.2
1 - Fixed bug with Internet Download "Changed Settings Prompt".
2 - Fixed bug with a Favourite Import where the downloaded channel name was not picked up if it was longer than 23 characters.
3 - Fixed bug with a Favourite Import crash due to the character ', channels that contain ' will be missed on the import.
NOTE: You will have to re-add them to your favs and re-save a favourite XML file. (eg. on 28e, BBC Parliment has a ********* ID of BBC PARL'MNT which causes a failure)
4 - Fixed bug where the Favourite Numbers would not update correctly when Deleting Channels.
5 - Fixed bug in the Search Channels where the invalid character ' causes a crash.
6 - Added extra logging for the Favourite Import.
7 - Fixed bug with saving the Log.
8 - Fixed bug with Opening a SSU file and Importing Favourites.
################################# ##
How to Install/Upgrade
################################# ##
Install: Extract the files and run 6000 Channel Editor.exe
Upgrade: Overwrite the old 6000 Channel Editor.exe with the new one.
If you get this error:
################################# ################################# ################################# ##
#.NET Framework Initialization Error #
# #
#To run this application, you must first install one of the following version of the .NET Framework.#
################################# ################################# ################################# ##
Download and install this file from Microsoft.
################################# ##
################################# ##
1 - Please use Windows Media Player to view the Quick Start Guide.wmv file
2 - This version has been tested with the latest Patch(HD6000_11_26.ssu).
3 - If you use the "Internet Download" you must Re-Enable your Satellites, input your Motor Settings and De-Select Satellite Number 53, 58 & 60 as the program uses the Factory Default settings whilst creating the SSU file(This is a known problem and we are working to solve it).
Thanks to superstarmac