

VIP Member
VIP Member
Feb 21, 2013
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whatever happened to the good pld days when you signed up to a contract which meant exactly that for the given time period
now sky bt etc just do as they wish with price jumps anytime they feel like it...

got email from bt informing me they are increasing price of their sports package an extra £2.50 a month just a few months into a contract why do they all get away with it i know its in the small print these days but its not right these days you do not get to budget as always changes grrrr
Yes it is annoying, I get stung every year by O2 and virgin media, both do increases during contract period. The price you sign up to should be the price you pay for the duration of the contract.
All the major companies are pulling this b*llsh*t! Mobile networks always do this as well.
I know with VM you can cancel if they put it up and probably be the same for BT. Just phone up and say your not happy and will cancel and they will normally wave the increase. Until the next one that is!
You can cancel on any of those contracts within your specified time frame of taking it out initially, Personally i know VM,Sky and BT allow you to cancel with notice unless its specified in your agreement when you took out the subscription.

This is the best way to get deals, they put the price up tell them not happy see if they come back with the deal you want 9 times out of ten they do if not Give them the required 30 days notice and give someone else your custom
yip i do it all time with sky especially as no way would i pay full price for the crap they deliver lol
bt bit fly with it give you it free for 3 months then put price up which basically covers the free period
nice marketing for sure still not right contracts change all time though but the way of the corporate i guess lol
I had been with plus net for 3 years, came to renew the contract and they would not give me the price advertised on their website as that was for "New customers only" even though it did not say that.

They would not give me the price whatever I said or done so I left. I don't get how companies spend soo much money chasing new customers but do not look after their current ones
latest come back to sky deal arrived today
sky tv fibre calls & line rental with 60% discount lol