Looking for Channel list info for Skybox/opnebox x5/F6 & A6 (.bin)


Inactive User
Apr 29, 2015
Reaction score
East London
Hi all,:Wave:

Hopefully found the right place this time.

Just hoping to reach out to some of you regarding any info you may have on getting updated channel list on these two boxes.

F6 - I noticed there has not been any AJSAT updates since AJ's X5/F6 List 4-8-14 although he has continued with f5s (TProg) etc.

A6 - Never been able to find any so been manually scanning and editing with remote. With new updates do not wish to do that all again.

Thanks in advance for any info shared here.

  • :Fish:
Ok managed to get some channel list imported onto A6 box using e2 settings using an Enigma2 TO 1506 Settings Converter,

- upload e2 settings .rar file
- output .cgi file
- rename .cgi file to .bin
- Settings>channel>load/save DB
- Locate .bin file

This allows me to have channel list from enigma2 file. Unfortunately i could only get hold of old e2 settings with outdated list. hoping to soon be able to download rats e2 and try it out.