3DS How to setup your gateway with a 3DS 4.x


Staff member
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
The Moon
1) Download the last gateway launcher version. Download Gateway OMEGA 2.7

Extract the ZIP archive to your computer, you will get the following contents :


2) First, you have to setup the Blue Card. Open the "Blue Card (R4i)" folder, and copy the following files in the root of your Micro-SD Card :


3) Insert the Blue Card in your 3DS then power it on. Press the "Deep Labyrinth" to launch the installation of the exploit.


Choose Micro-SD Card in the next screen and press "A" to confirm :


4) Choose "Gateway Installer and press "A" to launch it :


5) Choose your 3DS region, then launch the install by pressing "A" :




6) Gateway DS exploit is now installed. Press "A" to exit. At this point, you don't require the blue card anymore, except if you have to reinstall the DS exploit later (if you play a DS game or use the format option in the settings, it delete the exploit and you have to reinstall it).

7) Now, you'll have to setup the Red Card. First, format the Micro-SD Card that was in the Blue Card. Put roms on it (.3ds files) then put the Micro-SD Card in the Red Card, then put the Red Card in the 3DS.

8) Remove the 3DS SD Card from the 3DS and put it in your computer. Open the "GW_OMEGA_2.X" folder, and copy the "Launcher.dat" file in the root of the 3DS SD Card, then put it back in the 3DS and boot the 3DS.


9) On the 3DS, go to "Settings" (1), then "Internet Settings". Setup three wifi connections and put a wrong (random) password for the wpa key. The purpose of that if to prevent the original firmware to be able to connect to internet, and so, to update the firmware by mistake.


10) Go back to "Settings" main screen and choose "Other Settings (2). Then, choose "Profile" (3) on the next screen. While holding the "L" button, click on "Nintendo DS profile" (4) to launch the gateway menu.


11) First, launch the "Backup System Nand" option. It'll backup your original firmware on the 3DS SD Card (you need 1 GB free for this file). It can always be useful later if you upgrade by mistake. Once it's done, if you only have a 2 GB SD, I advice you to remove the SD Card, put it in your PC, and move the "NAND.BIN" file from the root of the SD Card to your PC, to be sure to have enough free space for Emunand (which take ~1 GB). Then, put it back in the 3DS before continuing the tutorial.


12) Then, use the "Format Emunand" option, which will format the SD Card and install Emunand on it. Once it's done, press "A" to exit."


13) Now, you can launch the "Gateway mode" option. When you'll go to "Settings", you'll notice the firmware is now named "GW3D 4.x". The "GW3D" means you are on Emunand, the emulated firmware.

14) Go to "Internet Settings", you should see the three wifi connections you created earlier. Delete all three connections and create a new working one, this time, to be able to connect to internet.

15) Go back to "Settings" main screen (don't leave "Settings" or the 3DS will reboot in the original firmware), and then go to "Other Settings".

16) Move from page to page until you see the "System Update" option. Click on it, accept the update and wait until it's done.

17) Once the update is done, the 3DS will boot back to the original firmware. Go to "Settings => Other Settings" and launch the "Nintendo DS Profile" again (this time, you don't need to hold "L", as you don't need the menu. If you don't hold "L", the gateway will autoboot to emunand.

18) You should be now on 9.4 under emunand. Go to "Settings" and check the firmware name. It should be something like "GW3D 9.4.x.x".

Advices :

- I advice you to install a free colored theme on Emunand, to be able to make the difference easily between your original firmware and Emunand.

- To launch the multirom menu, you have to press "Select" on the home screen. "L" and "R" button can be use to move five by five games in the game list).

- Once you have finished to play a game, you have to quit it properly to let the gateway create the save (even if you saved in-game). To do that, once you're done playing, press the "Home" button, and select "Close" (or press the "X" button).

- Smash Bros boot the 3DS back in original firmware once you close it. To avoid that, you can exit it by using the "Home" button, then choose another program to launch ("camera", for example).

Thanks to davhuit for the tut
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