Save the NHS


VIP Member
VIP Member
Dec 10, 2006
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Still Lost and Looking for a Better Place.
Jeremy Hunt is trying to privatise the NHS on the quite with a Mandate to be heard on Tuesday.

"Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt is trying to sneak through new NHS plans. [1] The Guardian newspaper has revealed that a key NHS blueprint has been slipped out - the public have a right to comment, but the government "has deliberately kept it quiet". [2] Because of this cover-up, we've now got just two days to flood the Department of Health with messages demanding the NHS is protected. [3]

It's not hard to see why Jeremy Hunt would try to sneak NHS plans through. The NHS is facing a dangerous winter, harmed by needless cuts and privatisation. [4] Hunt wants to claim that the public are happy with the way he's running the NHS. So the last thing he wants is a huge public rejection of his latest plan."

To sound your objections could you please send this e-mail ::
We are heading for an American type health service. God help us and the thing is we in Scotland didn't vote these people yet we are stuck with them and their evil ways

The majority of the electorate didn't vote for them either Countryboy, and unless we have Proportional Representation instead of the old 1st Past the Post method it will continue to be that way.
Jeremy Hunt is trying to privatise the NHS on the quite with a Mandate to be heard on Tuesday.

"Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt is trying to sneak through new NHS plans. [1] The Guardian newspaper has revealed that a key NHS blueprint has been slipped out - the public have a right to comment, but the government "has deliberately kept it quiet". [2] Because of this cover-up, we've now got just two days to flood the Department of Health with messages demanding the NHS is protected. [3]

It's not hard to see why Jeremy Hunt would try to sneak NHS plans through. The NHS is facing a dangerous winter, harmed by needless cuts and privatisation. [4] Hunt wants to claim that the public are happy with the way he's running the NHS. So the last thing he wants is a huge public rejection of his latest plan."

To sound your objections could you please send this e-mail ::

Email sent and cheers
The majority of the electorate didn't vote for them either Countryboy, and unless we have Proportional Representation instead of the old 1st Past the Post method it will continue to be that way.

Unfortunately the majority did vote them in in the last GE.

Election 2015 - BBC News

Conservative - 11,334,576
Liebour - 9,347,304

So bring in Proportional Representation by all means. The same on the last election aswell, over 13 million votes for conservative compared to 7 million for Liebour
Email sent. Good luck with the campaign we are going to need lots of it.
Email sent. Good luck with the campaign we are going to need lots of it.

Omg I have just had a reply from the NHS. Thanks but your vote was too late. I knew nothing about this campaign the slimy barstewards. I wish I knew earlier. We are all fecking doomed. :(
heading USA way
you use it you pay for it
sadly we copy all they do
What about the millions in Scotland who voted for neither of them yet we are stuck with a party that has 1 mp in our country yet still gets to govern us. Our health service should be governed by us

Well there are more people in England than Scotland that should be unhappy, over 4 million votes (a million more that snp) for UKIP and only one seat. Shocking
Well there are more people in England than Scotland that should be unhappy, over 4 million votes (a million more that snp) for UKIP and only one seat. Shocking

So add the 4 million UKIP votes, 2.5 million Lib Dem votes and the 2.5 million SNP votes to the 9 million Labour votes gives a total of 18 million against the 11 million Tory votes certainly doesn't make that a majority Tory vote in my book.
So add the 4 million UKIP votes, 2.5 million Lib Dem votes and the 2.5 million SNP votes to the 9 million Labour votes gives a total of 18 million against the 11 million Tory votes certainly doesn't make that a majority Tory vote in my book.

18 million people but many different factions. Maybe we should just divide the UK up into little city states, but even that wouldn't work would it cause there would still be someone unhappy wanting more division and 'devolution'
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Would it not be easier to look on the electoral register? and all those people that voted Conservative just throw the book at them. That will teach them not to vote for David Cameron's flying circus.:(
NHS is doomed
we are an ageing public at current rate every school leaver in 2022 will need to go into care services to look after all
which means no other employment
no idea the answer apart from the paid route like all else in life
NHS is doomed

Not necessarily. I'm one of those odd people that actually wouldn't mind paying more in tax as long as it guaranteed a better NHS, better public transport, better schools, better libraries and public amenities etc. I'd also close all the loopholes for the fatcats (Tory tax-cut supporters) who avoid paying their fair share.