Satellite bouquet


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Jul 24, 2016
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Can i get a amiko satellite bouquet? If so from where?

Thanks for any help
Can i get a amiko satellite bouquet? If so from where?

Thanks for any help

If your box is E2 you can use auto bouquets maker or rats bouquets or rats ipk bouquets maker/updater...some images have ABM built in so its just a case of setting up with your area etc and running it and it will install all your channels.
So it depends on your box type..
Im a novice just set amiko up, how do i find out if its E2? Thx
Would be a good idea to post your box model etc give as much info as possible..amiko make all sorts of boxes.
Hi Herewith Channel List and Bouquet file for Amiko Mini HD Combo STB
The Sky Channels should be Fine but the VM Channels may not work as they
are for North West Preston Area UK so you may have to rescan VM Channels View attachment