Nagra Hex Block Decryption Research

Is it correct Ziggo?

Provider ID: 7811

Cau Adas

The provider ID is 007911 but the sysid/management id is 007811 but that same sysid is used for many UPC providers in Europe. So having a dump with 7811 does NOT automaticly mean it's from the Netherlands
So if i understand correctly if i have the mods from upc schweiz, you're telling me they work for the Netherlands too?
Ok i tried to init my rom110 A7 card in CAK7 mode, but i think the card is not quitte ready for it yet. It does not want to switch to cak7 mode, keeps wanting to use BK/RSA. (sessionkey)
CAID, init log, you write a lot, I'm getting lost. ;)

Cau Adas
Some card not switch to DNASP4(like dnasp14x, dnasp11x) dont know if is your case.
Ok i tried to init my rom110 A7 card in CAK7 mode, but i think the card is not quitte ready for it yet. It does not want to switch to cak7 mode, keeps wanting to use BK/RSA. (sessionkey)
Your use oscam for polish source?
in this case need add you DNASP1x(but i doubt if this switch)
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Do TIGER Cards also have 016c block in flash, where rsakey is derived from? Is process the same, because Tiger RSA length doesn't correspond to let's say "standard" IRD keyset lengths (3140/3240/3310/3460/3588)?
Do TIGER Cards also have 016c block in flash, where rsakey is derived from? Is process the same, because Tiger RSA length doesn't correspond to let's say "standard" IRD keyset lengths (3140/3240/3310/3460/3588)?
Which tiger card?
183E 😅
Flash is crypted, I cannot find any block 016c.
Only chance is to dump ram?
I have not seen the encrypted block in Tiger ;)

Cau Adas
It just was a guess, because I didn't find any block 016c. 😜
As binwaIk doesn't find anything readable, may I assume I need to bit swap?