Backing up services, bouquets and mysevices.xmls


Inactive User
Apr 9, 2008
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One flew over the cuckoo's nest
I am trying to back up my services, bouquets and mysevices.xmls using yWeb on Laky Pro x1 image but when i go to zapit and try and download these files it just shows me the code but doesn't give the option to save the xml files.

Does anybody know where im going wrong?

i want to set up another couple of boxes to be the same as mine but really don't want to go through all the channel orginisation i had to do with my own box!:banana:
ftp the box m8.

You can get away with doing something simple like this in internet explorer if you dont have or want a FTP client installed. Just replace the http:// with ftp:// of the yWeb address, click page, then open FTP site with windows explorer then browse to the zapit folder and drag and drop to wherever.

Hope this helps.
You can also use flashfxp- which I find better to use.