Mobile Phones HTC 7 Mozart windows phone hack ?


Staff member
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
The Moon
hi guys

just got one of them phones is there any hacks for this mobile to get free apps and to put downloaded games onto it ??

had a look about and not seen much on the subject

cheers Spud
cheers for that CoolHandLuke just hit the Rep m8 :)
i have one of these supplied by work so no hacking for me :-( however there are loads of free apps that you can get to using market place, look at the ones it has then slide across to all and got to bottom and tap more...

unfortunately you have to use zune (now that is a rubbish bit of software) to setup sync etc the only thing that it is really useful for is updating the phone to the latest mango release.

settings\about latest should be Software: Windows * Phone 7.5

if it isn't at 7.5 then it is worth the update it takes a while about an hour and DONT take out lead whilst its doing it of it will crash. there is a bit where you get a picture of a phone with a lead going to a pc just go and make another cup of

its only when you get 7.5 you can use custom ringtones.