Hardware windows 8.1 taking up lots of space

johnny bravo

VIP Member
VIP Member
Dec 8, 2005
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hi guys - got my new Toshiba laptop today , it has windows 8.1 on it and has a 256GB SSD....odd thing is I havnt installed anything on it yet and "my computer "shows drive "C" 70.1 GB free of 106GB...that's the only drive showing where is the rest of my drive ? see pics...the computer management section shows hard drive 0 disk basic 238GB online...what does that mean...

i would delete the recovery partition, make the the unallocated partition live , delete both partitions and expand your main partition you take up the space.

what is in the recovery partition?
That's telling me you have only one physical drive and it's been split into smaller drives which one is recovery partition and one unallocated
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It's probably going to be easiest to claim your free Windows 10, then do a fresh install. You'll be able to sort out the partition issue at that point.
yes i did notice a message poped up after a short while when i switched on the pc for laptop for the first time something like "you are entitled to afree warranty upgrade" or something like that...also i was hoping to make a backup recovery of the system via a usb stick but dont have a 16gb usb stick..think ill just upgrade to windows 10..
I agree with little_pob, you would be better to go through the upgrade path of win10 so you have a valid key then once you have done the online update, you can grab a win10 to install fresh. @idrob can help in this department :)

During new install of Win10, you can sort your partitions out.
When you are doing the fresh install after you have upgraded you will have the option of deleting all partitions and or formatting the drive

Then you will have the full capacity of your hard drive with no partitions other than the normal one
Ok..Cheers guys...the recovery partition contains backup of Windows 8.1...should I make a backup?..
I would, either the recovery partition or your actual main partition.

Keep hold of it in case there is a problem upgrading or you actually don't like Win10.

I do believe you can drop back to 8.1 again but this is only for a limited time so a backup could come in handy then.
Ok guys I'm on Windows10 home..time for new clean install..made a usb bootable with Windows 10 home on it...I can't get into bios on my Toshiba s50-b , normally it's keep f12 pressed while booting but its not working..any ideas?
Rather than keeping your finger on the F12 key, you try tapping it instead.

Seemingly some laptops will ignore such keys presses during a cold boot, and you need to do it during the restart sequence.
That's great "you sir are a genius"..working now just installing a clean install without the crap that Toshiba put ON
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Damm ! Installed wrong Windows 10...installed Windows 10 home insider...shud have been just Windows 10 home ...doh !