What are your home remedies


VIP Member
VIP Member
Aug 18, 2005
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So, I'm a bit up shit creek at the mo. On 2 types of antibiotics, steroids, several infections and a lung starting to fill up.

Between the possibility of a stint in hospital over Christmas, and a twitchy boss not happy I've had a week off, I'm getting pretty desperate and willing to try some old mumbo jumbo if it'll shift the sodding head cold that isn't helping things and is a constant stream down the back of my throat all night long as well as keeping Kleenex sales figure a lot healthier than I am.

I know there's no cure for a cold but what are the remedies you've sworn by over the years to bolster your defenses?

Please try to keep them practical... no swigging a petrol and mustard cocktail with one trouser leg rolled up on Wednesday morning.

Oh and no decongestant like in your "Beechams Super Max Flu Hard Bastard Killer's" makes my heart go all wibbly wobbly :(

Thanks guys
I'm interested in some of these home remedies too, had a cold myself for almost 3 weeks. It did start to go earlier this week but seems to have returned with a vengence now :(

I've been trying to eat lots of ginger and garlic in meals.

Also been having hot toddies, (Brandy mixed with a concoction of grated ginger, honey and lemon) to help me get to sleep at a night.
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whatever you've caught, be sure to pass it on to your boss.

see how he fookin likes it.... :)
whisky & honey hot works
will clear head cold but will need strong antibiotics to clear the lungs
tell your doctor you dont want the cheap amoxocillin they start with
you need the good ones
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A lung filling up doesn't sound like a run of the mill cold, more like pneumonia.
I don't know if you can take it with antibiotics but for relief from colds and flu I swear by Night Nurse, tastes disgusting but usually ensures you get a good night sleep and feel a bit fitter to fight the cold the next day.
a well known health remedy from the west country is cider vinegar.

a tried and tested natural heath tonic has a lot of benefits.

just google it and make up you own mind. lots pf peeps down here swear by it.......

hope you get well soon @VectorZ
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I can only think of over dosing on vitamin C and any other supplements that may boost your immune system as it sounds like it's your immune system that's taking a battering.
I'm also suffering at present with what started as a bad cold but escalated to a chest infection requiring amoxicillin and I just use plenty of paracetamol and decongestants stay in and stay warm..but like you the thing that gets me down the most is the gunk on my chest and my ever full nose...
I'm not sure how effective it is, I read that it can reduce the duration of illnesses, but Holland & Barrett have a large tub of pure vitamin C powder on offer for under £10.
Alternative remedies and supplements are mostly a load of old cock designed to relieve you of your hard earned cash.

Hot toddies(without honey, it's filthy stuff that rots your teeth and your socks) help to sweat it out and get you a good night's sleep.

Otherwise, stick to mainstream remedies.
I always used to get a chest infection every year without fail until someone told me about echinacea and I have hardly had a cold in 3 years since using it!

It maybe bullshit but it has deffo helped me
Exercise is a good precautionary tool for keeping the colds away.

Vitamin C, plenty of fruit, vegetables - when the colds already inflicted.

Get better soon!


When I get a bad cold I stay in bed, send someone to the shop to get me loads and loads of original lucozade

24 hours and it’s gone

Mind you I hate lucozade any other time but when I have a cold I love it

Work that one out