What Type of DIBBERS are you?


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VIP Member
Sep 28, 2010
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Rat's Bedroom
A dibber or dibble is a pointed wooden stick for making holes in the ground so that seeds, seedlings or small bulbs can be planted. Dibbers come in a variety of designs including the straight dibber, T-handled dibber, trowel dibber, and L-shaped dibber.


Dibbers were first recorded in Roman times and has remained mostly unchanged since. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, farmers would use long-handled dibbers of metal or wood to plant crops. One man would walk with a dibber making holes, and a second man would plant seeds in each hole and fill it in. It was not until the Renaissance that dibbers became a manufactured item, some made of iron for penetrating harder soils and clay.

Straight dibbers
This is the classic dibber. It is anything from a sharpened stick to a more complicated model incorporating a curved handle and pointed steel end. It may be made of wood, steel or plastic.

T-handled dibbers
This dibber is much like the classic dibber, but with a T-grip that fits in the palm to make it easier to apply torque. This allows the user to exert even pressure creating consistent hole depth. The ideal T-handled dibber is fashioned from the remains of an old fork or spade handle, retaining the T, and with the shaft whittled to a point.

Trowel dibbers
This dibber combines the features of a dibber and a trowel. It is usually forged from aluminum or other lightweight material. One end is for dibbing, and the other end is shaped like a trowel.

Electronic dibbers
In colloquial use, the term 'dibber' is often now used to refer to electronic timing units worn on a finger such as the SI-cards used in orienteering events. These units are shaped a bit like (small) wooden dibbers. The term 'dibber' is often confused with the word "ribber" which is used as an alternative term for a TV remote in areas of London

So, I ask, do you know anyone that has one like this!

OK, I was having a moment before anyone asks ;)
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ha! I've just seen this, class! I won't go into the detail of how I even had this name in the 1st place but it had nothing to do with it I promise gov!

A ribber? for a remote control, what is the world coming too, it's just clicked and made sense (refers to a post some where!..lol) is that what they call them? what's wrong with remote control these days!

I'll have to go for the straight Dibbers, how ever I do like the Trowl Dibbers idea though! has a kind of catch to it.....

lol, man you got nothing else to do when at work mate!

I'm sure when I searched we have a few more Dibbs on board you know, so we are not alone, just shame that the name resembles a broken shovel handle that the dogs chewed over the summer I guess! ;)
Work...pfft, posted at 17:19 I was "working from home"

Don't even ask me how I came across it. I was just surprised you couldn't get a "Double Dibber", "Vibrating Dibber" or a "Double Ended T Handled Vibrating Back Door Invader Dibber"
lol, wish I had a name that was meaningful and not named after a piece of wood for drilling holes, could be worse I guess, like them Chris Tarrent programs that used to be on and some one would name some thing like "bum" or "poo" and they would be a drink or a milkshake or maybe a biscuit or some thing, it's better than being named after a sex toy I guess..so it has it's moments, all though back a few years ago, I did have a name change I reverted back to the name Dibbers, might have to have a vote here and get it changed to some thing with more meaningfulness, like, pliers, or trowel..!

I only came here in 2005 to find out how to turn on an Amiga and see if the action replay cartridge was still in good working order and look where we are 7 years on! (and I agree I'm still no further forward with it!)

were not alone.......lol (all though I can't say the 4th one from the bottom up)

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Ahh, I see, the list is shown by level of importance..

So your marginally more important than 60% of the rest.
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ha! you crack me up mate....good stuff man!

(can you say that 4th last one...???!)
it's welsh..

dbllqqq go go goch.

oh you mean dibessinis, that's greek, it means fruitful plantation of life