old posts popping up all the time, suggestion!


VIP Member
VIP Member
Feb 2, 2006
Reaction score
We Don't Do Walking Away. I would rather die with

So many old posts popping up because of clockers that either the problem has been solved or are no longer applicable or relevant

Could Mods/Admin not close these when they are trolled up so that other clockers cannot add to them just to get post count up and they reappear time after time?

Sorry if this is extra work lads. just an idea.
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It is a problem. I think that some threads should be closed when the problem is obviously solved. (This can even be a nuisance with recent threads when the poster can't be arsed to read the thread properly and see that the problem is already solved.)

There are, however, old threads that can still be usefully resurrected.

(Don't worry about extra work for the mods. They love it! :))
not wanting to rock the boat but i have seen posts popping up in wrong place and getting answered to by admin ie General chat when it should have been moved to right section. Its getting to a point where i just go to the bit i want on the forum and nothing else which will get less and less
Just hit the report button lads and they will be dealt with.

Appreciate your comments on closing thread that appear to be solved but im personally against that, i feel members can add alternative solutions to even solved problems and on occasion adding to a thread that exist imo is preferably to starting all over again.
we tried this a while back, it didn't work out too well...
I would rather see old posts staying as they are.
When the site is not busy I spend time scrolling through old threads and picking up on things.
Also people searching on goggle for support will be sent to DW if thread was created on the issue there looking help on.

If old threads were removed they will just spam in recent threads.

I can recall a new member a couple of months asking a question in this first post.
He posted in a thread that was a few years old.
Them a member said "stop spamming"
The new member replied something around these lines.....
"I'm not spamming I asked google and it sent me here"

I don't think he ever came back or got his/her answer.
Admin/Mods are quick to remove spam anyway and there's a report button to use if needed.

I have never ever replied to spammers post.
My opnion is it's not place to get involved with spammers other than report them.
I would rather see old posts staying as they are.
When the site is not busy I spend time scrolling through old threads and picking up on things.
Also people searching on goggle for support will be sent to DW if thread was created on the issue there looking help on.

If old threads were removed they will just spam in recent threads.

I can recall a new member a couple of months asking a question in this first post.
He posted in a thread that was a few years old.
Them a member said "stop spamming"
The new member replied something around these lines.....
"I'm not spamming I asked google and it sent me here"

I don't think he ever came back or got his/her answer.
Admin/Mods are quick to remove spam anyway and there's a report button to use if needed.

I have never ever replied to spammers post.
My opnion is it's not place to get involved with spammers other than report them.

shaun127 was refering to closing threads mate not removing them.
not wanting to rock the boat but i have seen posts popping up in wrong place and getting answered to by admin ie General chat when it should have been moved to right section. Its getting to a point where i just go to the bit i want on the forum and nothing else which will get less and less
use the report button on problems like this and we will happily sort it out :)
Some nice input on this thread and we are always looking for ways to improve the clocking problem ;) but as river says a clocker will find somewhere to clock :( so its a case of report button and let us sort it. However that said the report post button does get abused at times reporting posts as spam that are not :( This gives us more work than needed at times. Remember we all started somewhere and if someone is appearing to make an attempt at a useful post then we may have to live with that. As for the "quewrutwwie" or the post 1 post 2 or thanks for that or I'm new too etc etc. Then report them all day long.

Generally I think we are not far off having the balance right. Also remember We (mods /Admin) delete a lot of stuff that's not reported but that is not visable to you guys so we do work a bit honest :)