New Dish?


Inactive User
Jan 26, 2017
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Hi. I'm new to the forum, please forgive me if ths question's been asked before...!
I'm in the UK. Having just finished the renovation of our chimney, unfortunately the old dish that was on the chimney took a beating and needs replacing.
I am using a Zgemma box.
Which dish & LMB should I go for!!

Ahh... sorry, I'm pretty good on the building work, but a bit sketchy on dishes! I guess the old one was an average size dish, very similar to the other dishes on the street. But I'm open to suggestions to better my system?

If it was a sky type dish.

Just get yourself a raven zone 2 dish which is the larger type and a quad or octo lnb to future proof and allow 4 or 8 feeds.
Awsome... thank you very much for your time in replying!

don't forget wind loads on a bigger dish are relevant where ever you place your dish but more so on a chimney stack even more so if you have a terrestrial aerial on there as well the other point I would make is in my and many other peoples opinion bolting to a chimney stack is not a sensible idea a lashing kit is much safer way I personally would only use a chimney stack dish site as a very very last resort I am not an installer but I do know a sensible one he has always said no chimneys if possible & would rather fit a pole I also seem to remember in the dark & distant past there were rules about a dish on a height above ridge tiles in some parts of the country although I have no idea if they were a guide/rule/law or if they still exist this may help (h**ps:// change the 2 stars to tt in the middle of https as I wasn't sure if live links were allowed on here
Great article and GREAT points on the stresses a dish could cause. Unfortunately the only spot is on the chimney, the whole street is the same, but I will definitely look into different ways of rigging the dish.
