Rats Bouquet


Inactive User
Feb 15, 2015
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Good morning all, ive been trying to install rats bouquet to my cloud ibox2 plus using vix, ive ftp the rats bouquet ipk to ftp and put the Rat's Bouquets E2 SD FTA HD 01.03.2015 file into plugins yet when i try to install the ipk using vix i get many errors saying check data file clashes and have 5 of them errors and 1 opkg install cmd cannot install rats bouquet error. please help..what am i doing wrong?
Good morning all, ive been trying to install rats bouquet to my cloud ibox2 plus using vix, ive ftp the rats bouquet ipk to ftp and put the Rat's Bouquets E2 SD FTA HD 01.03.2015 file into plugins yet when i try to install the ipk using vix i get many errors saying check data file clashes and have 5 of them errors and 1 opkg install cmd cannot install rats bouquet error. please help..what am i doing wrong?

Rats Bouquets plugin no longer works you need to transfer the Rats Bouquets Channel list with Dreamset or DBE
ok thanks, can you recommend a channel list i could use with my cloud ibox 2? as they are all currently jumbled up