iShutdown Lets You Remotely Turn Off Your PC or Mac Using iPhone


Staff member
Dec 5, 2006
Reaction score
Picture yourself: you’re in your living room watching TV, but left your PC on upstairs. You have nothing with you but your phone and don’t want to miss a bit of the show your watching. How can you turn off your computer and still not miss your show? This iOS App might be the answer.


In order to get this App up and running, you first need to install a server service on the computers you intend to control. The server is available for free from Here

or 99 cents, this App might be a great solution to a really common first world problem: leaving your PC on. iShutdown works with iPhones, iPads and iPod touches running iOS 4.2 or later. iShutdown for iPhone should not be confused with ‘iShutdown for Mac’, a 3-year-old Mac program that lets users time their shutdowns.

It’s also important to point out that this App has received fairly negative comments from users who have been unable to get iShutdown to locate their computer. While there are positive reviews, as of the time of this writing, 2 out of the 3 reviewers had problems getting this app to function. Other than that, give this app a try, it will make your life a whole lot easier.

If jail Broken you will get ishutdown from the app store, if jailbroken you will get it from install0us
@Biffo you put this in the android section we hate iOS that is apple shite

don't really trust these sort of apps, I suppose you have the grant the server app access through your firewall, no ta!