Watch for moon, Jupiter, Orion on night of November 21


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Mar 29, 2005
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Our sky chart shows the eastern sky as it looks from North American mid-northern latitudes around 8 to 9 p.m. on November 21, 2013. But no matter where you reside worldwide, you can expect the moon and Jupiter to rise in tandem above your east-northeast horizon roughly three to four hours after sundown on November 21. The farther south you live, the later that the sun sets, so the moon and Jupiter rise at a later hour at more southerly latitudes. At temperate latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere, you won’t see the moon and Jupiter until late evening or close to midnight.

As seen from mid-northern latitudes, Jupiter and the constellation Orion climb over the horizon at roughly the same time. Look for Orion to the south (right) of Jupiter before going to bed tonight.

At more southerly latitudes, Orion rises before the moon and Jupiter do. Near the equator, Orion rises an hour or so before the moon and Jupiter. At temperate latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere, the moon and Jupiter won’t rise for a few hours after Orion appears over the eastern horizon.

And, of course, Orion isn’t the only constellation near the very bright planet Jupiter on November 21.

You can use Jupiter to locate the constellation Gemini and its two brightest stars: Castor and Pollux. Jupiter will be shining in front of the constellation Gemini for many months to come.

Bottom line: Use the waning gibbous moon to find the brilliant planet Jupiter on the night of November 21, 2013. Then rely on Jupiter to guide you to the constellation Gemini and its two brightest stars, Castor and Pollux, for months to come.​
I'm not sure if anybody else has posted this but i think its quite interesting. if you go to this site Simple Satellite Tracking from and enter your country, you are given details of when and where certain satellites and the International Space Station will be visibly flying over head..

November 24

Satellite Rise time Direction to look Transit time Max elevation Magnitude

SkyMed 1 04:32:11 am ESE 04:36:14 39° 3.2 (dim)

SkyMed 1 06:08:37 am SSW 06:11:59 30° 3.7 (dim)

ISS 06:17:58 am WSW 06:21:00 32° -2.4 (very bright)

Navid 06:58:28 am WSW 06:59:43 75° 6.1 (dim)

SkyMed 1 05:51:23 pm ENE 05:54:48 32° 3.6 (dim)

Lacrosse 5 06:43:58 pm SSW 06:48:09 38° 3.2 (dim)

SkyMed 1 07:28:37 pm NNW 07:32:38 37° 3.3 (dim)