Tw@s that don't indicate on roundabouts


Worldz Biggest Oddball
VIP Member
Dec 10, 2009
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Colorado Lounge
It's shocking the amount of clowns that seem to think I'm mystic Meg.
Just been at a roundabout, and a van and people carrier both going around with no rigjt indicator's :( and the car behind them was indicating right, but turned off it FFS. Lol
I was a learner in 1973, lol.
I was on a lesson and approaching a left turn so indicated, my instructor asked why I did so when there was no-one behind me. I argued that it was an automatic response from me and did no harm but he didn't want to let it go. Soon replaced him with another instructor,
As drivers' we have enough decisions to make in a short time so whether or not to indicate shouldn't be one of them.
Twa@s that don't indicate any f*ckingwhere more like! :mad:

....and it just seems to get worse from year to year! View attachment 123868 I thought the driving test was supposed to be getting more rigorous.

Im not buying into that mate.

Son and daughter recently passed their tests.

Now when i was a lad taking my test you had to complete all the manoeuvres taught to you. Reverse a corner, hill start, 3 point turn etc you had to do them all in the test. Now they learn a couple more manoeuvres parking for instance but now when they test a new driver they pick one manoeuvre from the ones taught and thats it done in favour of a free drive im told.

Now in my daughter's case she got the obligatory emergency stop and a three point turn and passed her test. Any other manoeuvre she says and admits she would not of been so lucky. 2 years on i still have to park her car for her if the spots tight outside our house.
there are many people who believe that the indicators are only used at Christmas
I don't think it's got any worse, they've been around for years. My dear old man, God love him, used to say... 'they'd complain if they bought a car without winkers' :D:D:D
I don't think it's got any worse, they've been around for years. My dear old man, God love him, used to say... 'they'd complain if they bought a car without winkers' :D:D:D

Try driving here in Portugal! On a recent visit to the UK I was pleasantly surprised at how many people DO use indicators compared with here. The Spaniards are even worse.

I wonder if in fact it would be better if cars did not have indicators at all. We would then learn to read the other drivers' intentions without depending on their 'courtesy' of letting us know.
But then I also think all airbags should be replaced with metal spikes. That would make people drive a lot more carefully.
My father was a driving instructor in the 60's and when he was teaching me he always maintained that there were no right turns on a roundabout.
To get off a roundabout you HAVE to turn left( in England anyway) and if you think about it a roundabout is really just a straight road with left turns on it.
Its funny because I still remember that and also still agree with what he said and still drive that way, albeit from the right hand side now!!!
My father was a driving instructor in the 60's and when he was teaching me he always maintained that there were no right turns on a roundabout.
To get off a roundabout you HAVE to turn left( in England anyway) and if you think about it a roundabout is really just a straight road with left turns on it.
Its funny because I still remember that and also still agree with what he said and still drive that way, albeit from the right hand side now!!!

I've always thought that way too. But they recently changed the law here (in Portugal) where now you are supposed to indicate left until you intend to exit (yes, even if you are going straight on) then change indicator (and lane) when passing the exit prior to the one you want to use. Confused? So are millions of Portuguese drivers who either still don't bother or get it completely wrong.
What boils my pi$$ is when numpties enter a roundabout in the left lane to go straight on, sweep right across to the right, then exit in the left lane, nearly been squished by a few of these. On the subject of indicating when no-one is behind you, I do this as well, you never know what will pop up and if your indicating it lets the other driver know what you intend to do, it costs nowt and may save a bash. Have been driving a while, bike test 1977, Car test 1980, passed both first go lucily
My father was a driving instructor in the 60's and when he was teaching me he always maintained that there were no right turns on a roundabout.
To get off a roundabout you HAVE to turn left( in England anyway) and if you think about it a roundabout is really just a straight road with left turns on it.
Its funny because I still remember that and also still agree with what he said and still drive that way, albeit from the right hand side now!!!

There aren't right turns off a roundabout, but there are at the roundabout. Ie. On approaching, you will be going right ( exiting at 3oclock) :)

Where i live, there is a roundabout that you can turn right off it lol. You go down under the the road. Lol
I'm not saying all but my last 3-4 driving encounters with people who can't drive has been with young women who drive in a low seat position hugging the wheel like Mr Magoo.
I was in my son's car nipping to shops (black box in) in a 20 area when a guy from further up the estate decided to full beam me and drive right up my chuffer.
Luckily it was a tight double parked street with someone behind him so
I stopped , got out, and explained to him that the next time he did that to me or my son I would turn his car into an ectcha-a-sketch with a 10p.
I think he dropped a nugget when I pointed to the dashcam in my sons car rear window.
I drive sensible, give way, but more importantly set off with plenty of time. Some people get behind the wheel like David Banner 5 minutes after thier suppose to be were thier going