Tsunami hits north-eastern Japan after massive quake

only saw this on the news this morning and was quite shocked to see the damage it has done, only just found out that there saw a huge explosion at one of the nuclear plants, really shocking news. also you can watch whats happening at the moment at this link.

BBC News - LIVE: Japan earthquake

regards fireblade.
They was saying its not the top parts (that you can see) that are the important areas... its the parts of the station that our below the ground ?

I have no idea but I know it's not looking good for them.

A friend of mine said it was because of some weird cycle of the moon ? I know that the moon is vital for the earth in general and life on earth is mainly due to the moon being where it is.

But is there something going on with the moon, I have not heard anything else only what me mate said.

In a nuclear power station, the core is within an other core. Basically this station is like a kettle where the water they use to create superheated steam, and to cool the core surrounds the outside of the core. This water then flows to a heat exchanger which then transfers this energy to the cooling water, which in turn turns into steam to drive the steam turbines to create the electricity.

There is a potential that as the cooling pumps failed, the water within the reactor blew the "lid" of the kettle (core still inside) and released superheated steam which expanded suddenly hence the explosion. This may have relaeased some radioactive vapor of the type N16, however this only have a half life of around 10 seconds so decays very fast and will NOT cause any environmental issues.

The control rods have supposedly been fully inserted not stop the neutrons from splitting any more atoms, and hence creating more energy which is heat.

Thats my theory anyway.
my old man is in hong kong on business :(

i am hoping he is oki

Your old man should be quite safe, as little no effects on Taiwan or East/South East China coasts which are nearer to Japan than Hong Kong.

Last Thursday's earthquake and ones before that in China has not affected HK.

The only nature problems HK gets is typhoons which happens usually between August & September.
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think there is up to 6 power stations struggling now so not looking good for the whole of japan.really no where to go but off the island
They was saying its not the top parts (that you can see) that are the important areas... its the parts of the station that our below the ground ?

I have no idea but I know it's not looking good for them.

A friend of mine said it was because of some weird cycle of the moon ? I know that the moon is vital for the earth in general and life on earth is mainly due to the moon being where it is.

But is there something going on with the moon, I have not heard anything else only what me mate said.


If this is the moons doing.. then i darnt think about what will happen when its at its closest.. 19th march.
Japan moved by 2.4 metres due to quake: US Geological Survey

Melbourne, Mar 13 (ANI): Japan’s biggest recorded earthquake appears to have moved the island by about 2.4 metres, according to the US Geological Survey.

“That’s a reasonable number. Eight feet, that’s certainly going to be in the ballpark,” said USGS seismologist Paul Earle.

Friday’s 9.0 magnitude quake unleashed a terrifying tsunami that engulfed towns and cities on Japan’s northeastern coast, destroying everything in its path in what Prime Minister Naoto Kan said was an “unprecedented national disaster”.

The quake and its tectonic shift resulted from “thrust faulting” along the boundary of the Pacific and North America plates, News.com.au quoted the USGS, as saying.

“With an earthquake this large, you can get these huge ground shifts. On the actual fault you can get 20 metres of relative movement, on the two sides of the fault,” Earle said.

He said similar movements would have been seen for Chile and Indonesia.

In December 2004, a 9.1 magnitude quake off Sumatra caused a tsunami that killed an estimated 228,000 people. An 8.8 quake off the coast of Chile in February 2010 killed more than 500. (ANI)

Japan moved by 2.4 metres due to quake: US Geological Survey
only heard earlier that there is another reactor that had blown? is there any chance that it could go in to melt down???

regards fireblade.
one of the biggest quake ever to loosen foundation of buildings then tsunami to wash them all away...power of nature is unbelievable.
just on the news, another 6.1 quake just south of the fukushima plant :(