Rom Collection


Inactive User
Feb 6, 2013
Reaction score
Is there a complete rom collection for download?
try, they have a variety of roms. The only downside is that you have to download them individualy. If you want complete rom sets you can try downloading frostwire. After you install it just search for the rom sets and it should give you some results.
I have as much as I can find in my collection on my FTP. The whole thing is around 250gb. There's over 18000 roms (I know there aint that many games but I have all variants). Plus around 275 CHD files (compressed hard drive files that are for the larger games like mach3 or area51). I also have all marquees, artwork, backgrounds, cabinets, cpanels, manuals & flyers. Plus still and video snaps.

I also have several other emulators as well like daphne (the original Space Ace & Dragons Lair), Commodore Amiga (all kickstart roms & workbench versions), C64, Plus 4, C16 etc... Atari ST, Various Atari consoles, NDS Emulator (over 6000 roms) PS1 & PS2 (all dios versions) All Sega emilators plus 1000's roms, all nintendo emlators and 1000's roms. Pinball & Fuit machine emulators & roms.

Just over 2tb in total.

Send a PM if you want a login.
Thats very kind of you captain i might take you up on the offer mate thanks so much.

PM on its way :)