Police “Seize” Pirate IPTV Platform, Prepare to Identify 50,000 Users


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VIP Member
Feb 21, 2013
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These stories seem to be the new norm nowadays to put the fear of god into people, similar story for fella in north of england. Raided him and cops got the hold of everything and they sent letters out to his users, the cops even sent all his users a warning within hours of the raid directly to there TV, not done though server panel as XCUI does not have that feature but through his XCIPTV app that he was also hosting. 😂
The IPs stored on server is not the main route they use when these raids occur, so VPN is completely useless in these cases as most users be traced back to payment gateway and that is usually PayPal.
PayPal will disclose the information at the drop of a hat on request. Payment method should be bitcoin or prepaid visa/mastercard, that with a VPN will be difficult to trace end user. But these stories are not to track down people using these services, these stories are to put fear into people.
These stories seem to be the new norm nowadays to put the fear of god into people, similar story for fella in north of england. Raided him and cops got the hold of everything and they sent letters out to his users, the cops even sent all his users a warning within hours of the raid directly to there TV, not done though server panel as XCUI does not have that feature but through his XCIPTV app that he was also hosting. 😂
The IPs stored on server is not the main route they use when these raids occur, so VPN is completely useless in these cases as most users be traced back to payment gateway and that is usually PayPal.
PayPal will disclose the information at the drop of a hat on request. Payment method should be bitcoin or prepaid visa/mastercard, that with a VPN will be difficult to trace end user. But these stories are not to track down people using these services, these stories are to put fear into people.

I believe he gave up his subscriber list anyway, so they had all the info, and just matched up payment details. In fairness this guy was running a massive operation, and was flash as hell about it. Had several brand new high performance cars etc. When will people learn that being flash will get you caught. You need to clean the money, setup a front, and wash the worries away.

Bitcoin is fully traceable as well, as people like coinbase will sell you out. You're better off using XMR, as that is untraceable atm. Majority of running these operations are resellers, and don't really know about cryto etc. And the people buying the subs won't know about crypto either, if you're making a mint, then i'd 100% suggest converting it to crypto, and hiding your wallet on a USB, and not mentioning it to anyone. Bitcoin is worth close to 20k atm, and XMR is well over 100 a coin, it's risen quite a lot recently.
I always enjoy debate with you mate when it comes to security....
But in all honesty please explain “bitcoin exploit”?

When i mention bitcoin i mean it a bit more than others may or may not understand.
please explain how it is “traceable” ??

I could and will touch on it slightly here, if you run a SEVER “no logging VPN” and use that VPN on another OS you have left yourself open.
Need that be IOS, windows and logging into that VPN can get you trouble. There is laptops near dead selling on the BAY thats worth Pea-Nuts and they sell well.
(YES XP)!!!
To say bitcoin is “traceable” is wrong my friend.
If your device is logged and you login with user/pass on another device it can be keylogged, usually done by .EXE on windows and other methods on IOS.
Bitcoin is safe mate!!
How you manage you coin wallet is open for debate.
I for sure would use a separate computer with multi-proxys then VPN to buy coins in correct places.
How can i be traced after all the hoops i jumped through?
Please remember the last massive uploader was arrested when they injected his device.
(NOT HIS IP) as it was hidden.
They really did see more than one way of skining a cat.
Nowadays its not your IP its your device.

Windows XP is old, clean wipe.
Login to what you ONLY need to.
But worth throwing in spare room.
I always enjoy debate with you mate when it comes to security....
But in all honesty please explain “bitcoin exploit”?

When i mention bitcoin i mean it a bit more than others may or may not understand.
please explain how it is “traceable” ??

I could and will touch on it slightly here, if you run a SEVER “no logging VPN” and use that VPN on another OS you have left yourself open.
Need that be IOS, windows and logging into that VPN can get you trouble. There is laptops near dead selling on the BAY thats worth Pea-Nuts and they sell well.
(YES XP)!!!
To say bitcoin is “traceable” is wrong my friend.
If your device is logged and you login with user/pass on another device it can be keylogged, usually done by .EXE on windows and other methods on IOS.
Bitcoin is safe mate!!
How you manage you coin wallet is open for debate.
I for sure would use a separate computer with multi-proxys then VPN to buy coins in correct places.
How can i be traced after all the hoops i jumped through?

Bitcoin is not anonymous. It is 100% traceable, and there are companies that specialise in this.

Bitcoin is essentially an online ledger, so all transactions are logged into the ledger. You can see the wallet address that sent and received the coin, and then work backwards.

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Just a couple of links to have a read of. There are also companies that specialise in tracing bitcoin transactions, normally for law enforcement. Bitcoin blew up due to the ability to be "anonymous" on the dark web, but it was soon found out to not be as anonymous as people thought.

Then mixers were invented, which basically took your coins, put them with other coins and then created a new transaction, essentially cleaning the coins, however it's all still on the ledger.

Using a VPN makes no difference, neither does proxies, as it's all logged on the ledger. So you buy coins from coinbase, send them to an offline wallet. You then send those elsewhere, all of those transactions are logged on the ledger and can be read by anyone. You can then work backwards to trace where the coin come from, and to whom the person it was sold. Coinbase and other companies that sell coin have had to adhere to money laundering rules, therefore they work with law enforcement, and will sell you out in a heartbeat.

Part of the appeal of bitcoin is the DDLS, the underlying technology that verifies everything. So, you've got miners, they basically control the ledger (They don't really but I don't know how else to explain it), a certain % of the miners have to agree to a transaction, once that transaction is approved, then it gets put on the ledger. Once it's on the ledger then it's a valid transaction, this was done to stop people hacking the system basically. There have been forks for certain reasons, but it's a majority rules scenario, like when they wanted to increase the size of bitcoin blocks, there was a fork. When BTC Cash came out, there was another fork, and a couple of other ones too.

There are many more people who could likely explain it better, but have a read of bitcoin on reddit, or over at the bitcoin forums etc. There are people who are watching wallets, checking for the movement of coins, trying to hack the bigger wallets etc. You could have a hardware wallet, but again, these can be cracked, im not currently aware of any wallets that are unhackable. And cashing out is the hardest part of all, you can use localbitcoins etc, but there are few people that can cash out vast amounts of bitcoin at once, and it comes with some hefty fees as well. And there are people that will rob you. I remember reading about a guy in London, met someone in a cafe or something, it was for like 10k in coin, got the money, transferred the coin (It was a woman paying the £ for coin), they then had a text off another person in the cafe saying give the money back to the lady or they were going to shot, and they pulled a gun and showed the person. Naturally, they gave the cash back, and they fled with both the coin and the cash, but the seller contacted localbitcoins, who froze the transaction, got the coin back to the seller, and passed the details to police who then arrested the offenders.

Im not one to disagree with you mate, as you know your shizzle. But you're 100% wrong on this one, there are a few coins that are better to use, monero being one of them, another is zdash or dashcoin I can't remember. I used to dabble a little, but since you can't exchange ethereum to XMR, then i've not really bothered. That was another way to "clean" the coin.

If you want complete anonymoity then you need to use TAILS, but even that can and has been hacked. Facebook bought and used a 0day against a sex offender

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Last I checked, it still hadn't been disclosed to tails what the 0day was. Another option is whonix, another linux based OS. If you're interested in learning about security and staying safe online, then i'd suggest reading the jolly roger security guide.