Okay to update modded wii?


Inactive User
Sep 2, 2012
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Just recently got a modded wii from someone and recently tried to play Mario galaxy but it said that the system needed to be updated. It's currently 2.2U and it's modded with wiikey. Is it safe to update or can that brick the wii? I've been told to softmod my wii with modmii but it seems complicated and I'm a newbie to this stuff so I don't want to risk ruining my wii. I want be to able to play newer games as well as the old backup games I have.

Softmodding a wii is very easy, download Modmii and follow the instructions it makes for you. It is really easy. If you get stuck there are many who will help you here.
Softmodding a wii is very easy, download Modmii and follow the instructions it makes for you. It is really easy. If you get stuck there are many who will help you here.

what about the wiikey though?

is it safe?
I have a wii key in my console and it has been softmodded. I can't remember last time I used a DVD in the Wii. Even if I did, it would be an original for the purposes of archiving.

Who uses disks after softmodding?
i wasn't sure, only ever softmodded..
i thought it wouldn't matter, but good to know for sure...

cheers m8.. :)
Do you guys recommend watching YouTube videos to soft mod or just find a guide online? Also you can only soft mod on a pc right
Just to add to Buzzer 's reply....

Modmii is for windows. The tutorial has videos on what to do. Run the software and pretend you are on 3.0 as I can't see an option for 2.2.
It will produce instructions based on your current setup. It is a tutorial customised to your selections and setup.
It will produce instructions based on your current setup. It is a tutorial customised to your selections and setup.

Thanks for the replies. Btw is it easy to burn games? I guess I'll just look that up too but hope its not too complicated
You can still burn games easily if you want to.

Most people just use a HDD though.