Nature My Marine Fish


Staff member
Jan 19, 1999
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Not the best snaps of my fish, need some more practice with the camera :(, also my pump in the sump is a little knackered at the moment and pulling a lot of air into the water, its not terrible but you can see the little air bubbles with the camera.

The blue fish - Dory lol I have had for over 5 years now he is about 10" - 11" and I bought him no bigger than a 50p :)

Let me know what you think, I Don't keep corals anymore as I lost too many with a brown jelly wipeout!

Thanks for looking!

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Great fish but a dam expensive hobby..
My brother also keeps marine/tropical fish and he is never out the aquarium/fish shop yet it keeps him out of trouble and he says it helps him with his PTSD..
What beautiful fish, & very good photo's too. Keep it up on both counts!