Ice Cold Water Burns 40 calories a glass??


Staff member
Jan 19, 1999
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Is this true?

I read that ice cold water will burn 40 calories per glass?

I know that water itself is very good for you and will help you lose weight but I never thought that it could actually burn the calories by drinking a glass of water?

Don't know about how many calories exactly but I know you use up some because your body has to warm it up to your body temperature.
Also it could be down to the fact that water makes you feel full so they recommend having a glass before you eat food if your trying to lose weight.
I read that @nara, but one of the comments below actually made more sense than the article.

water does not add calories, you pee it out.

So if your body has to heat the water to your internal temperature then you would be using energy, and when you piss it out at body temp the energy would be released with the pee right?

well this is what the other fella said lol... much better than me.

instead of thinking in terms of 'burning' calories, think in terms of water's capacity to absorb thermal energy (heat). When you drink cold water, thermal energy in the matter of your body is transferred to the water to achieve equilibrium at 98.6 degrees. And then you pee (most of it this way lol) out the water at body temperature. This means that the thermal energy leaves your body (stored inside the water you drank). The only reason this is somewhat significant (1 fl. oz. = 1 Cal @ drinking water that is 32-40 degree range), is because the specific heat of water is really really high and is the second highest of any liquid there is. If you don't know what specific heat is then look it up, its rather simple. Oh, and by the way, for those of you that don't know, a calorie is a measurement of energy (usually used when describing heat, but can also be used in other situations, its just uncommon).
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So while we're sort of on the subject does a hot drink cool you quicker on a hot day than a cold drink?
Disclaimer: only ever tried beer (cold) myself so can't really comment:drink:
So while we're sort of on the subject does a hot drink cool you quicker on a hot day than a cold drink?
Disclaimer: only ever tried beer (cold) myself so can't really comment:drink:

of course it does....our mum's and dads told us so lol.
Nah personally just makes me a sweat bucket
of course it does....our mum's and dads told us so lol.
Nah personally just makes me a sweat bucket

Then you'll feel colder?

Back to the OP. About 8 glasses of water is about 2 litres so that would be 320 calories right? You could drink more than that but more than 12 glasses a day may be both hard to do and possibly dangerous.

Let's say you do get a regular daily reduction of 320 calories. Will it make a difference? Not on its own, the average takeaway is over 1200 calories, you can reasonably assume that the average supermarket meal is about half that.

If your daily calorie intake is equal to your exertion then your glasses of water will reduce your weight, if your calorie intake is greater than your exertion then you'll simply put off the day when you discover your jeans don't fit!
You should be aiming to drink 2 litres a day anyway regardless of any calorie burning effect, water is just so damn good for your body/mind.