Sensible Topic Fatal dog attacks and hysterical knee jerks

Dangerous dogs my arse, soft as shite.View attachment 72671

Left hand one, my opinion still stands. One looking like that got into our garden one day, years ago, and attacked my then ageing german shepherd.
Latched into my dogs knee, and bit deep into the bone. Bit of irony in this thread's title. Heard his screams, went out and hit it above the eyes. Never flinched, had to stamp on it's foot to make it let go. Nobody's fault except the postman who left both gates open, but my dog could never walk without difficulty after that, and cost a lot in vet's bills. Could never forgive / forget that, typical or not.

Right hand one makes my opinion seem irrational, but would still be very wary. If you're lucky, they're around a long time, and I only get shelter dogs,
so exact ill treatment is unknown, or in what form it will appear later, so have to go from personal experience. Sorry, but that's mine.
The gundog (failed)!

That's a photoshop job, or does he normally wear slippers! :)
The gundog (failed)!

That's a photoshop job, or does he normally wear slippers! :)

That's Indi - lies like that all the time. Originally bought to show in the local villages (gundog showing). Sadly, while being amazingly well-natured, he's scared of loud noises (like shotguns) so pretty much useless really, lol
That's Indi - lies like that all the time. Originally bought to show in the local villages (gundog showing). Sadly, while being amazingly well-natured, he's scared of loud noises (like shotguns) so pretty much useless really, lol

I meant Indi on that clean carpet, unless he hovers, it's photoshop, slippers, or a type I've never encountered.
And he's not pretty much useless as you know. Once you have a dog, life never feels quite right without one.
Bit like a wife, but you don't have to tell them !:) Just realized that opens up a new area, not what I mean! :)
Thread about fatal dog attack transforms into mega doggy love-in?

It sits a bit uncomfortably folks.

I know you love your dogs, and I respect that, but maybe this thread isn't the place?
Thread about fatal dog attack transforms into mega doggy love-in?

It sits a bit uncomfortably folks.

I know you love your dogs, and I respect that, but maybe this thread isn't the place?

Noted, but not off-topic. Your point being? So far, for me, just shows media reports are the usual bollocks but you disagree?
Think what we responsible dog owners are trying to get across in this thread is that even the dogs with bad reputations can be great pets as long as they are trained(brought up right).

The owners of dogs that attack people should be held responsible. There is no way i would leave my dog on his own in the garden.same goes for leaving him in a room with someone he don't know. Its a case of showing some common sense.

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Thread about fatal dog attack transforms into mega doggy love-in?

It sits a bit uncomfortably folks.

I know you love your dogs, and I respect that, but maybe this thread isn't the place?

This isn't a love it, it's just a chance to express a different opinion. I have a rescue Staffie and I admit I was very prejudiced against them before we got him. First night home, wife and I thought we had made a horrible mistake and were genuinely worried about leaving him with other two dogs. needn't have worried, the 14 year old Lurcher left him in no doubt who was in charge and he has developed into the most adoring, adorable dog. An absolute wimp who hates going out in the rain and cries if you won't play with him. That said, I wouldn't leave any of my dogs alone in a room with people, the Lurcher in particular is very grumpy if she is woken up. My responsibility to look after them and I couldn't feel more sorry for what happened to that poor girl. What wouldn't be right is for Staffies to be all tarred with the same brush, they weren't called Nannie dogs for nothing. only my opinion and I fully accept others will disagree with me - that's life.
I think it boils down more to the owners, Obviously some dogs are naturally strong powerful dogs... and this should never be underestimated.

You back any animal into a corner it will fight.

Allot of dogs get a bad press because of bad owners... but I do think that all responsible dog owners would know that even if there dog is the most placid dog (according to them) it could potentially in certain circumstances be very dangerous!
