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Did Microsoft Plan to Launch this year, or were they forced to?


DW Regular
as the title

there have been a lot of things that point to it being a rushed job. I think that Microsoft never expected sony to release this year, and were forced in to it.

all these 180's on all their policies.

last minute hardware changes, when they should have been manufacturing finished products

lack of games, all their first party exclusives were developed for for the 360. and were rushed to xboxone recently

they have been concentrating on all these multimedia functions, instead of games. none of the multimedia functions are available at launch in Europe. with no planned date for their release.

very few devs showing off their games on xboxone hardware.

reducing the amount of launch countries they had originally planned to release in.

the small allocation numbers that each retailers has been given

the size of the thing is huge, im pretty sure we will see a slim version very soon.

I just hope this doesn't turn out to be another 360 rush job, as we all no what happened there. it just seems that they are not ready, but I could be completely mistaken about this.
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Re: Did Microsoft Plan too Launch this year, or were they forced too

Shock, horror!!! deedie with another -ve Xbox comment :Laugh:
Re: Did Microsoft Plan too Launch this year, or were they forced too

don't play the fanboy card here

you can be in denial all you want :Jester:

im trying to get peoples opinion on this. can you put your hand on your heart and say that microsofts pre-release performance has looked like a company who is has a well rehearsed launch strategy, or a company who is making it up as they go along?
Re: Did Microsoft Plan too Launch this year, or were they forced too

Getting people's opinion or giving people your opinion?

Being fluid and dynamic and actively responding to needs of customers and their aspirations is a good thing. Also known as making it up as you go along.
Re: Did Microsoft Plan too Launch this year, or were they forced too

and if it was a fanboy post, then the above would be absolute nonsense. care to say which of the original list didn't happen or isn't currently happeneing??
Re: Did Microsoft Plan too Launch this year, or were they forced too

Getting people's opinion or giving people your opinion?

Being fluid and dynamic and actively responding to needs of customers and their aspirations is a good thing. Also known as making it up as you go along.

of course sorry. the post is a mix of fact and my opinion.

im not saying the 180's were a bad thing, im glad they done it. if they had not done it then there is no way I would be buying one. as it is just now, I will be buying one at some point, when they lower the price and dump the camera

there is also the option of putting all the original restrictions back in.
Re: Did Microsoft Plan too Launch this year, or were they forced too

From the launch it just looked like a set top box media center and not a games system
Re: Did Microsoft Plan too Launch this year, or were they forced too

Personally think M$ innovated the most this time round.... doesn't mean it will be better than PS4 but lets be honest PS4 is just PS3 faster.... at least M$ have tried to innovate and change things a bit !!!
Will it work ??? Time will tell me thinks !!!
Re: Did Microsoft Plan too Launch this year, or were they forced too

Personally think M$ innovated the most this time round.... doesn't mean it will be better than PS4 but lets be honest PS4 is just PS3 faster.... at least M$ have tried to innovate and change things a bit !!!
Will it work ??? Time will tell me thinks !!!

in what way?

the only thing I see that Microsoft have done is the hdmi input. I would love that feature on ps4, watching the football while playing a game is a cool feature. unfortunately they have gimped the feature to be pretty usless given that you cant mute the audio from either so you get mixed sound, which is strange.

and Kinect is much more advanced than ps camera, but its a gimmick that few will use. same as the ps camera. only reason im getting it is its included in the killzone mega bundle.
Re: Did Microsoft Plan too Launch this year, or were they forced too

in what way?

the only thing I see that Microsoft have done is the hdmi input. I would love that feature on ps4, watching the football while playing a game is a cool feature. unfortunately they have gimped the feature to be pretty usless given that you cant mute the audio from either so you get mixed sound, which is strange.

and Kinect is much more advanced than ps camera, but its a gimmick that few will use. same as the ps camera. only reason im getting it is its included in the killzone mega bundle.

I personally view the improved Kinect (2.0), voice commands and TV integration as innovation.... as urself not sure I would ever use them but I still think it is innovation and would perhaps like to try and see... it could be a grower... I don't see sony doing anything other than faster/FPS/1080 e.t.c

Oh and Sony finally did a decent controller I have been told... it now fits not only tiny Japanese hands ;-) lol
Re: Did Microsoft Plan too Launch this year, or were they forced too

I don't see sony doing anything other than faster/FPS/1080 e.t.c

its amazing all of a sudden how much the above has now become irrelevant, especially on a games console. a lot of the so called gaming journalists are also spouting the same nonsense. it seemed to matter right up until about 9 months ago. and what makes it even worse, is that most of the differences between xbox360 and ps3 multiplats
were insignificant in most instances. but between ps4 and xboxone, there is quite a significant difference in how well multiplat games run on ps4. and that is even before any of the sony big hitters come out with their exclusives.

I ment could you provide examples of innovation that the ps4 could not do. as the ps4 can do the same things as you have mentioned. it may not do them quite as well, who knows I aint used either console yet. but the features are there, (minus the hdmi in). then you go on to say that you probably wont use these "innovative" features.
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