D-Box 2 Sagem NTL Coventry.. PROBLEM!!!


Inactive User
Mar 12, 2005
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Hi i am new to all this but i have read all the tutorials on the dbox and followed them as best as i can i have had trouble finding images to download but i have put a neutrino image from PT-1 called "Fernsehass40nokey_nocables-EPG_UKTIMEFIX" and i have used various cables.xml and services.xml but not once have i been able to find one channel? Can someone please HELP me?

Anyone got anything on how to setup for coventry? I have even tried using manual scan with the frequency at 811000000 and the other figure at 6887 but nothing if anyone can please help i would apreciate it?

nice first post mate

ftp to your box overwrite your cable.xml and scan.conf file in /var/tuxbox/config
with the attached files then do a scan you realy need an enigma image to get a good scan but if you get your transponder / frequency info then you can edit an existing services file

you can change provider / fec to scan by highlighting the provider and pressing enter

have attached a services xml file that should work in your area
Hi thanks for the files i have now installed an emigma flash, updated locale and clock, used the files downloaded but got no channels i seem to be at a deadend? do you recommend a particular image to download and make adjustments to?
you need to find someone in your area and get a copy of there config and make sure your box is ok you should be able to get some fta channels from scanning
what enigma image do you use have you got a copy of your english.locale file and clock file as the one i have never seems to find the clock?
i have posted a neutreno image in the down loads section (sportster) try that one just ftp the service file from above in to /var/tuxbox/config/zapit
bildar said:
Hi i am new to all this but i have read all the tutorials on the dbox and followed them as best as i can i have had trouble finding images to download but i have put a neutrino image from PT-1 called "Fernsehass40nokey_nocables-EPG_UKTIMEFIX" and i have used various cables.xml and services.xml but not once have i been able to find one channel? Can someone please HELP me?

Anyone got anything on how to setup for coventry? I have even tried using manual scan with the frequency at 811000000 and the other figure at 6887 but nothing if anyone can please help i would apreciate it?

I didn't get any joy with Fernsehass, but I downloaded the nextgen image from here h**p://www.freewebs.com/jpm646/[/url] and it worked a treat. I got a services.xml from PT-1's page that was (sort of) close to my area, and I was lucky enough that it had all the channels, so I didn't have to scan.

I would suggest going through the services.xml's on PT-1's page first or the ones posted here. One of them is bound to give you at least a few FTA channels. Once you know you can get a picture, you can start to fiddle with scanning and finding more channels.

One strange thing I had was that I initially had my Dbox hooked up to my PC via scart to WinTV, because I was stuck with a short net cable, and none of the channels came up no matter what I did. I had kind of given up and took the box back to the living room in despair, and lo and behold, suddenly all the channels were there, but when I connected it to the scart/PC in the other room, they were all gone. I have no idea why, but I just thought I would mention it in case you might be doing something similar.