Sensible Topic Looking forward to...

Him Her

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VIP Member
Dec 23, 2011
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North Yorkshire
...tonight's episode on immigration with Nick and Margaret on BBC1 at 9pm. Hopefully, some good news?
BBC? Would that be the Biassed Broadcasting Corp? Guaranteed to be full of gov't-generated 'right noises', sufficiently ground down to be understandable by the "ordinary people". But will there be any truth in it? Glass coffins.
BBC? Would that be the Biassed Broadcasting Corp? Guaranteed to be full of gov't-generated 'right noises', sufficiently ground down to be understandable by the "ordinary people". But will there be any truth in it? Glass coffins.

You can only ignore information once you've considered it ;)
You can only ignore information once you've considered it ;)

Very true, just going by past experience. TV in general seems to be getting so 'watered down' these days. Easy viewing seems to take precedence over true reporting.
...tonight's episode on immigration with Nick and Margaret on BBC1 at 9pm. Hopefully, some good news?

You know for a fact they will, according to the BBC, all be net contributors, entrepreneurs, employers and model citizens. All 80k Somalis are all gainfully employed and not sitting round in the mafrish all day chewing khat and all 200k+ eastern European gypsies are literate, only have kids when they can afford them and prefer to integrate into society.

Meanwhile, back in reality...
Eight kids and getting housing benefit...

So Mo, what are you doing to integrate?

Chairman of Somali something or other... QUANGO detector tripped.

Can't believe it, BBC allowed an opinion that people come here to get what they can! Just used the phrase "free for all".
If he sells that wig to a mattress stuffing company he could pay for his f'in treatment.
At least when you reject it you'll be able to say you watched it first!

Will have to catch the rest later but I can see we've reached the point where the BBC start the positive propaganda.

I have to see my hair stylist in a minute, Mr Mach3.
Quantify these nebulous "taxes" please BBC. If I earn £11000 a year I'm a taxpayer.
Never saw that coming - "Gain" all round :rolleyes:.

I feel gypsies were under-represented in this production and will be campaigning for more coverage of their beneficial business activities.
Never saw that coming - "Gain" all round :rolleyes:.

I feel gypsies were under-represented in this production and will be campaigning for more coverage of their beneficial business activities.

Yeah, okay, very cute piece. I stand by my original comment - you have to watch/listen/hear etc. before you argue. The aspect of immigration addressed many of us knew and accepted. It didn't address the main problem.