Setting up Oscam to read a Sky UK card...


DW Member +
Sep 10, 2004
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Thought this might come in handy seeing as though alot more people wanna use Oscam

Not My Work...

Credit goes to by senile_citizen

Setting up Oscam to read a Sky UK card


This tutorial is aimed solely at those wishing to use Oscam to read their Sky UK
cards instead of either newcs or CCCam, given that the latter are now having
problems. It does not attempt to cover all aspects of Oscam and only those
relevant to the specific topic are explained.

(1) Obtaining Oscam

New Oscam versions are released almost daily for most platforms, and, in
addition, source code is also available. This makes Oscam very up to date.
Many people may well be happy with what can be downloaded directly through their
box's CAM updates, but if you want to download the latest binaries or simply
want to be independent you can Google for them.

(2) Installing Oscam

If you've installed Oscam through your box's updater, then it will have put
Oscam itself and the configuration files where it thinks fit. The configuration
files can go almost anywhere you like, you just specify where with the -c option
when starting Oscam. I'm going to assume the Oscam binary is in /var/bin and is
simply called oscam, and the configuration files are in /var/keys, as this is
how I do it myself.

(3) Configuring Oscam for Sky UK

Oscam has many configuration files. For our purposes you only need worry about
three of them - oscam.conf, oscam.server and oscam.user. If the others are
missing, Oscam will still work. When discussing each configuration file, I'm
only going to explain those elements which are important to us; those which you
won't need to change are just quoted.

logfile = stdout
# if you specify a location for a saved log file, be aware it gets very large
# very quickly
disablelog = 0
disableuserfile = 0
usrfileflag = 0
clienttimeout = 5000
fallbacktimeout = 2500
clientmaxidle = 120
failbantime = 30
cachedelay = 120
bindwait = 120
netprio = 0
clientdyndns = 0
resolvedelay = 30
unlockparental = 0
nice = -1
serialreadertimeout = 1500
maxlogsize = 50
waitforcards = 1
preferlocalcards = 1
saveinithistory = 1
readerrestartseconds = 5
lb_mode = 1
lb_save = 0
lb_nbest_readers = 2
lb_nfb_readers = 1
lb_min_ecmcount = 5
lb_max_ecmcount = 500
lb_reopen_seconds = 900
resolvegethostbyname = 0
failbantime = 10
double_check = 1

# [monitor]
# only activate this if you really need it
# for most people the web interface is better
# port = 988
# nocrypt =,
# aulow = 120
# hideclient_to = 0
# monlevel = 4
# appendchaninfo = 0

# this is for your clients with mgcamd (i.e. a CWS = line)
# or an N: line in CCcam
port = 12345@0963:000000
# 0963 is the CAID for Sky UK, and 000000 means all channels
key = 0102030405060708091011121314
# your Deskey
allowed =
# IP addresses allowed to connect (i.e. all)
keepalive = 1
mgclient = 0
# don't allow multiple log-ins from same user; some Abcom and
# DGStation boxes require this to be set to 1

# for your clients with CCCam (i.e. they have a C: line)
port = 12000
# or whatever you use.
reshare = 0
ignorereshare = 0
version = 2.1.3
updateinterval = 240
minimizecards = 0
stealth = 1

# if you want to use Oscam as your client as well as server
# doesn't work well on some non Dreamboxes
enabled = 1
# set to 0 if using mgcamd as the client and DVBAPI
user = local
# it must be a user defined in oscam.user to work correctly
au = 1
# or 0 as you prefer
boxtype = dm7000
# use dreambox for earlier dreamboxes with ppc processors
pmt_mode = 0

# very useful and fairly straightforward
httpport = 80
httpuser = user
httppwd = pass
httprefresh = 10
httpallowed =,
# can only be opened from those (LAN) IPs
httphideidleclients = 1
httpreadonly = 0
# oscam.conf ends

# Oscam has a very wide definition of "server". It includes not
# only your local cards but also your feeds from your friends using
# CCCam, newcs, etc. I'm only going to deal with local cards, newcs and
# CCCam
# it consists of a number of sections headed [reader]

label = lower card
enable = 1
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci0
caid = 0963
# 0963 is Sky UK.
boxid = 01234567
# Oscam can read a Sky card i.d, but you can also put this
# in manually
detect = cd
cardmhz = 357
# this helps the card run more smootly
group = 1
# Oscam has the concept of groups. Only users in group 1 can
# use this reader. I'm only using one group.
emmcache = 1,3,2
ecmcache = 1
blockemm-unknown = 1
blockemm-g = 1
# these ensure smooth decrypting
lb_weight = 101
# for load balancing - can be commented out.

label = upper card
enable = 1
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci1
caid = 0963
boxid = 12345678
detect = cd
cardmhz = 357
group = 1
emmcache = 1,3,2
ecmcache = 1
blockemm-unknown = 1
blockemm-g = 1
lb_weight = 100

# replaces a CCcam "C:" line
label = CCcam
enable = 1
protocol = cccam
device =,12000
# IP address,port
account = myname
password = mypass
# your user name and password
services =
inactivitytimeout = 1
reconnecttimeout = 30
group = 1
ecmcache = 1
blockemm-unknown = 1
lb_weight = 100
cccversion = 2.1.1
# YOUR CCcam version presented to him; not his!
cccmaxhops = 3
# from him to you!
audisabled = 1
# doesn't receive updates

# for a newcs or other newcamd feed
# replaces a CWS = line in newcamd.list
label = Newcamd
enable = 1
protocol = newcamd
key = 0102030405060708091011121314
# deskey
device =,12345
# IP address, port
account = myname
password = mypass
inactivitytimeout = 1
reconnecttimeout = 30
group = 1
ecmcache = 1

# oscam.server end

# everybody needs an entry, even yourself.

# for your own box.
user = local
description = for local mgcamd or DVBAPI
pwd = mypass
disabled = 0
group = 1
uniq = 1
au = 1
# if you want the card updated from yourself

# for friend who may be using CCcam although works
# any protocol defined in oscam.conf
user = friend1
pwd = pass1
description = for friend with CCCam
disabled = 0
group = 1
uniq = 1
sleep = 0
au = 0
cccmaxhops = 3
cccreshare = 0
keepalive = 1

# intended for a friend using mgcamd, although works
# with any protocol defined in oscam.conf
user = friend2
pwd = pass2
description = for friend with mgcamd
disabled = 0
group = 1
uniq = 1
sleep = 0
au = 0
keepalive = 1

# oscam.user end

(4) Starting Oscam
If your box has a script, then use it. Otherwise, kill all other Cams, telnet
ito your box and issue the command

/var/bin/oscam -c /var/keys

This assumes the Oscam binary is in /var/bin and the config files in /var/keys.
You should gets lots of information, hopefully showing all is well.

(5) Your clients
Assuming the configurations quoted above.
If you're using mgcamd as your local client rather than the Oscam dvbapi, you'll
need a line in your newcamd.list

CWS = 12345 local mypass 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

using information from oscam.conf and oscam.user

Your friend with CCcam needs to add to their CCcam.cfg

C: 12000 friend1 pass1

and your friend with mgcamd adds to their newcamd.list

CWS = 12345 friend2 pass2 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

by @senile_citizen
Thanks a lot, very helpful as oscam is a bit daunting to some!
There are files & configs that have been posted before which are great for beginners.

But here, I believe, is a tut which should help beginners understand a lot more about Oscam and hopefully give them a better idea of what to look out for should any problems occur.